let SerialPort = require('serialport') let port = new SerialPort('/dev/ttyS7', { baudRate: 115200, stopBits: 1 }); let packetLength = 1 let lastChar = -1 let txCount = 0 let rxCount = 0 let errorCount = 0 let message = 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party\0' port.on('data', function (inBuff) { process.stdout.write(inBuff) rxCount += inBuff.length }) let sendMsgs = function () { port.write(message, 'binary', function () { txCount += message.length setTimeout(sendMsgs, 10) }) } sendMsgs() process.on('SIGINT', function() { console.log("\nCaught interrupt signal") console.log("Tx bytes: ", txCount) console.log("Rx bytes: ", rxCount) console.log("Rx errors: ", errorCount) port.write('Force error', 'binary', function () { process.exit() }) })