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2024-02-24 08:25:27 +00:00
==== Stream Link Interface (SLINK)
| Hardware source file(s): | neorv32_slink.vhd |
| Software driver file(s): | neorv32_slink.c |
| | neorv32_slink.h |
| Top entity port(s): | `slink_rx_dat_i` | RX link data (32-bit)
| | `slink_rx_val_i` | RX link data valid (1-bit)
| | `slink_rx_lst_i` | RX link last element of stream (1-bit)
| | `slink_rx_rdy_o` | RX link ready to receive (1-bit)
| | `slink_tx_dat_o` | TX link data (32-bit)
| | `slink_tx_val_o` | TX link data valid (1-bit)
| | `slink_tx_lst_o` | TX link last element of stream (1-bit)
| | `slink_tx_rdy_i` | TX link allowed to send (1-bit)
| Configuration generics: | `IO_SLINK_EN` | implement SLINK when _true_
| | `IO_SLINK_RX_FIFO` | RX FIFO depth (1..32k), has to be a power of two
| | `IO_SLINK_TX_FIFO` | TX FIFO depth (1..32k), has to be a power of two
| CPU interrupt: | fast IRQ channel 14 | SLINK IRQ (see <<_processor_interrupts>>)
The stream link interface provides independent RX and TX channels for sending for sending and receiving
stream data. Each channel features an internal FIFO with configurable depth to buffer stream data
(`IO_SLINK_RX_FIFO` for the RX FIFO, `IO_SLINK_TX_FIFO` for the TX FIFO). The SLINK interface provides higher
bandwidth and less latency than the external bus interface making it ideally suited for coupling custom
stream processing units or streaming peripherals.
.Example Program
An example program for the SLINK module is available in `sw/example/demo_slink`.
**Interface & Protocol**
The SLINK interface consists of four signals per channel:
* `dat` contains the actual data word
* `val` marks the current transmission cycle as valid
* `lst` makes the current transmission cycle as the last element of a stream
* `rdy` indicates that the receiving part is ready to receive
.AXI4-Stream Compatibility
The interface names and the underlying protocol is compatible to the AXI4-Stream standard.
**Theory of Operation**
The SLINK provides four interface registers. The control register (`CTRL`) is used to configure
the module and to check its status. Three individual data registers (`RX_DATA`, `TX_DATA`, `TX_DATA_LAST`)
are used to send and received the link's actual data stream.
The `RX_DATA` register provides direct access to the RX link FIFO buffer. After reading data from this the register
the control register's `SLINK_CTRL_RX_LAST` can be checked to determine if the according data word has been marked
as "end of stream" via the `slink_rx_lst_i` signal (this signal is also buffered by the link's FIFO).
Writing to the `TX_DATA` or `TX_DATA_LAST` register will immediately write to the TX link FIFO buffer.
When writing to the `TX_DATA_LAST` the according data word will be marked as "end of stream" via the
`slink_tx_lst_o` signal (this signal is also buffered by the link's FIFO).
The configured FIFO sizes can be retrieved by software via the control register's `SLINK_CTRL_RX_FIFO_*` and
The SLINK is globally activated by setting the control register's enable bit `SLINK_CTRL_EN`. Clearing this bit will
reset all internal logic and will also clear both FIFOs. The FIFOs can also be cleared manually at all time by
setting the `SLINK_CTRL_RX_CLR` and `SLINK_CTRL_TX_CLR` bits (these bits will auto-clear).
Writing to the TX channel's FIFO while it is _full_ will have no effect. Reading from the RX channel's FIFO while it
is _empty_ will also have no effect and will return the last received data word.
The current status of the RX and TX FIFOs can be determined via the `SLINK_CTRL_RX_*` and `SLINK_CTRL_TX_*` flags.
A global interrupt can be programmed based on these FIFO status flags via the control register's `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_*`
bits. Note that all enabled interrupt conditions are logically OR-ed. Once the SLINK's interrupt has become pending,
it has to be explicitly cleared again by writing zero to the according <<_mip>> CSR bit(s).
**Register Map**
.SLINK register map (`struct NEORV32_SLINK`)
| Address | Name [C] | Bit(s) | R/W | Function
.22+<| `0xffffec00` .22+<| `NEORV32_SLINK.CTRL` <| `0` `SLINK_CTRL_EN` ^| r/w <| SLINK global enable
<| `1` `SLINK_CTRL_RX_CLR` ^| -/w <| Clear RX FIFO when set (bit auto-clears)
<| `2` `SLINK_CTRL_TX_CLR` ^| -/w <| Clear TX FIFO when set (bit auto-clears)
<| `3` _reserved_ ^| r/- <| _reserved_, read as zero
<| `4` `SLINK_CTRL_RX_LAST` ^| r/- <| Last word read from `RX_DATA` is marked as "end of stream"
<| `7:5` _reserved_ ^| r/- <| _reserved_, read as zero
<| `8` `SLINK_CTRL_RX_EMPTY` ^| r/- <| RX FIFO empty
<| `9` `SLINK_CTRL_RX_HALF` ^| r/- <| RX FIFO at least half full
<| `10` `SLINK_CTRL_RX_FULL` ^| r/- <| RX FIFO full
<| `11` `SLINK_CTRL_TX_EMPTY` ^| r/- <| TX FIFO empty
<| `12` `SLINK_CTRL_TX_HALF` ^| r/- <| TX FIFO at least half full
<| `13` `SLINK_CTRL_TX_FULL` ^| r/- <| TX FIFO full
<| `15:14` _reserved_ ^| r/- <| _reserved_, read as zero
<| `16` `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_RX_NEMPTY` ^| r/w <| IRQ if RX FIFO not empty
<| `17` `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_RX_HALF` ^| r/w <| IRQ if RX FIFO at least half full
<| `18` `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_RX_FULL` ^| r/w <| IRQ if RX FIFO full
<| `19` `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_TX_EMPTY` ^| r/w <| IRQ if TX FIFO empty
<| `20` `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_TX_NHALF` ^| r/w <| IRQ if TX FIFO not at least half full
<| `21` `SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_TX_NFULL` ^| r/w <| IRQ if TX FIFO not full
<| `23:22` _reserved_ ^| r/- <| _reserved_, read as zero
<| `27:24` `SLINK_CTRL_RX_FIFO_MSB : SLINK_CTRL_RX_FIFO_LSB` ^| r/- <| log2(RX FIFO size)
<| `31:28` `SLINK_CTRL_TX_FIFO_MSB : SLINK_CTRL_TX_FIFO_LSB` ^| r/- <| log2(TX FIFO size)
| `0xffffec04` | `NEORV32_SLINK.RX_DATA` | `31:0` | r/- | Read word from RX link FIFO
| `0xffffec08` | `NEORV32_SLINK.TX_DATA` | `31:0` | -/w | Write word to TX link FIFO
| `0xffffec0c` | `NEORV32_SLINK.TX_DATA_LAST` | `31:0` | -/w | Write word to TX link FIFO and also set "end-of-stream" delimiter