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2024-02-24 08:25:27 +00:00
== Software Toolchain Setup
To compile (and debug) executables for the NEORV32 a RISC-V toolchain is required.
There are two possibilities to get this:
1. Download and _build_ the official RISC-V GNU toolchain yourself.
2. Download and install a prebuilt version of the toolchain; this might also done via the package manager / app store of your OS
The default toolchain prefix (`RISCV_PREFIX` variable) for this project is **`riscv32-unknown-elf-`**. Of course you can use any other RISC-V
toolchain (like `riscv64-unknown-elf-`) that is capable to emit code for a `rv32` architecture. Just change `RISCV_PREFIX`
according to your needs.
=== Building the Toolchain from Scratch
To build the toolchain by yourself you can follow the guide from the official GitHub page.
You need to make sure the generated toolchain fits the architecture of the NEORV32 core. To get a toolchain that even supports minimal
ISA extension configurations, it is recommend to compile for `rv32i` only. Please note that this minimal ISA also provides further ISA
extensions like `m` or `c`. Of course you can use a _multilib_ approach to generate toolchains for several target ISAs at once.
.Preparing GCC build for `rv32i` (minimal ISA)
$ git clone
$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ riscv-gnu-toolchain$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32i --with-abi=ilp32
$ riscv-gnu-toolchain$ make
Keep in mind that - for instance - a toolchain build with `--with-arch=rv32imc` provides library code (like the C
standard library) compiled entirely utilizing compressed (`C`) and `mul`/`div` instructions (`M`). Hence, this
code CANNOT be executed (without emulation) on an architecture that does not support these ISA extensions.
=== Downloading and Installing a Prebuilt Toolchain
Alternatively, you can download a prebuilt toolchain.
==== Use The Pre-Built Toolchains
We have compiled several GCC toolchains on a 64-bit x86 Ubuntu (Ubuntu on Windows, actually) and uploaded it to
GitHub. You can directly download the according toolchain archive as single _zip-file_ within a packed
release from More information about downloading and installing
these prebuilt toolchains can be found in the repository's README.
==== Use a Third Party Toolchain
Of course you can also use any other prebuilt version of the toolchain. There are a lot RISC-V GCC packages out there -
even for Windows. On Linux system you might even be able to fetch a toolchain via your distribution's package manager.
Make sure the toolchain can (also) emit code for a `rv32i` architecture, uses the `ilp32` or `ilp32e` ABI and **was not build** using
CPU extensions that are not supported by the NEORV32 (like `D`).
=== Installation
Now you have the toolchain binaries. The last step is to add them to your `PATH` environment variable (if you have not
already done so): make sure to add the _binaries_ folder (`bin`) of your toolchain.
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin
You should add this command to your `.bashrc` (if you are using bash) to automatically add the RISC-V
toolchain at every console start.
=== Testing the Installation
To make sure everything works fine, navigate to an example project in the NEORV32 example folder and
execute the following command:
neorv32/sw/example/demo_blink_led$ make check
This will test all the tools required for generating NEORV32 executables.
Everything is working fine if `Toolchain check OK` appears at the end.