<<< :sectnums: ==== Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) [cols="<3,<3,<4"] [frame="topbot",grid="none"] |======================= | Hardware source file(s): | neorv32_boot_rom.vhd | | Software driver file(s): | none | | Top entity port: | none | | Configuration generics: | `INT_BOOTLOADER_EN` | implement processor-internal bootloader when `true` | CPU interrupts: | none | |======================= This boot ROM module provides a read-only memory that contain the executable image of the default NEORV32 <<_bootloader>>. If the internal bootloader is enabled via the `INT_BOOTLOADER_EN` generic the CPU's boot address is automatically set to the beginning of the bootloader ROM. See sections <<_address_space>> and <<_boot_configuration>> for more information regarding the processor's different boot scenarios. .Memory Size [IMPORTANT] If the configured boot ROM size is **not** a power of two the actual memory size will be auto-adjusted to the next power of two (e.g. configuring a memory size of 6kB will result in a physical memory size of 8kB). .Bootloader Image [IMPORTANT] The boot ROM is initialized during synthesis with the default bootloader image (`rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd`).