<<< :sectnums: ==== Processor-Internal Instruction Cache (iCACHE) [cols="<3,<3,<4"] [frame="topbot",grid="none"] |======================= | Hardware source file(s): | neorv32_icache.vhd | | Software driver file(s): | none | _implicitly used_ | Top entity port: | none | | Configuration generics: | `ICACHE_EN` | implement processor-internal instruction cache when `true` | | `ICACHE_NUM_BLOCKS` | number of cache blocks (pages/lines) | | `ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE` | size of a cache block in bytes | | `ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY` | associativity / number of sets | CPU interrupts: | none | |======================= The processor features an optional instruction cache to improve performance when using memories with high access latencies. The cache is directly connected to the CPU's instruction fetch interface and provides full-transparent buffering of instruction fetch accesses to the **entire address space**. The cache is implemented if the `ICACHE_EN` generic is `true`. The size of the cache memory is defined via `ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE` (the size of a single cache block/page/line in bytes; has to be a power of two and greater than or equal to 4 bytes), `ICACHE_NUM_BLOCKS` (the total amount of cache blocks; has to be a power of two and greater than or equal to 1) and the actual cache associativity `ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY` (number of sets; 1 = direct-mapped, 2 = 2-way set-associative) generics. If the cache associativity is greater than one the LRU replacement policy (least recently used) is used. **Cached/Uncached Accesses** The data cache provides direct accesses (= uncached) to memory in order to access memory-mapped IO (like the processor-internal IO/peripheral modules). All accesses that target the address range from `0xF0000000` to `0xFFFFFFFF` will not be cached at all (see section <<_address_space>>). .Caching Internal Memories [NOTE] The instruction cache is intended to accelerate instruction fetches from **processor-external** memories (via the external bus interface or via the XIP module). The cache(s) should not be implemented when using only processor-internal data and instruction memories. .Manual Cache Clear/Reload [NOTE] By executing the `fence(.i)` instruction the cache is cleared and a reload from main memory is triggered. .Retrieve Cache Configuration from Software [TIP] Software can retrieve the cache configuration/layout from the <<_sysinfo_cache_configuration>> register. .Bus Access Fault Handling [NOTE] The cache always loads a complete cache block (aligned to the block size) every time a cache miss is detected. Each cached word from this block provides a single status bit that indicates if the according bus access was successful or caused a bus error. Hence, the whole cache block remains valid even if certain addresses inside caused a bus error. If the CPU accesses any of the faulty cache words, an instruction bus error exception is raised.