<<< :sectnums: == Building the Documentation The documentation (datasheet + user guide) is written using `asciidoc`. The according source files can be found in `docs/...`. The documentation of the software framework is written _in-code_ using `doxygen`. A makefiles in the project's `docs` directory is provided to build all of the documentation as HTML pages or as PDF documents. [TIP] Pre-rendered PDFs are available online as _nightly pre-releases_: https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/releases. The HTML-based documentation is also available online at the project's https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/[GitHub Pages]. The makefile provides a help target to show all available build options and their according outputs. [source,bash] ---- neorv32/docs$ make help ---- .Example: Generate HTML documentation (data sheet) using `asciidoctor` [source,bash] ---- neorv32/docs$ make html ---- [TIP] If you don't have `asciidoctor` / `asciidoctor-pdf` installed, you can still generate all the documentation using a _docker container_ via `make container`.