<<< :sectnums: == VHDL Development Environment To navigate and develop the NEORV32 processor VHDL code you can use the free and open source VHDL-LS language server. The easiest way to get started is to install the https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=hbohlin.vhdl-ls[VHDL-LS VSCode extension]. The VHDL-LS server requires a `vhdl_ls.toml` file which is automatically generated by the `sim/run.py` script. See <<_simulating_the_processor, Simulate the processor>> for further information. 1. Run `sim/run.py` to create the library mapping file 2. Install the VHDL-LS VSCode extension 3. Open the root folder of the NEORV32 repository in VSCode 4. Open any VHDL file