# Test Setups This folder contains very simple test setups that are intended for project beginners to setup a minimal NEORV32 SoC. These setups are used in the :books: [NEORV32 User Guide](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/). Note that these setups provides a minimalistic configuration to keep things at a simple level at first. Additional CPU ISA extensions, performance options and optional peripheral modules can be enabled by specifying the according :book: [configuration generics](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/#_processor_top_entity_generics). ### Setup Top Entities #### Clocking and Reset All test setups require an external clock (via `clk_i` signal) and an external low-active reset (via `rstn_i` signal). #### Configuration Generics Each setup provides three elementary generics that can/should be adapted to fit your FPGA/board. * The clock speed in Hz **has to be specified** via the `CLOCK_SPEED` generic to fit your clock source. * The processor-internal instruction memory (IMEM) size _can be modified_ via the `MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE` generic. * The processor-internal data memory (DMEM) size _can be modified_ via the `MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE` generic. :warning: Modifying the memory sizes might require adaption of the NEORV32 linker script. ### [`neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd`](https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/blob/main/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_approm.vhd) This setup configures a `rv32imc_Zicsr_Zicntr` CPU with 16kB IMEM (as pre-initialized ROM), 8kB DMEM and includes the **GPIO** module to drive 8 external signals (`gpio_o`) and the **MTIME** module for generating timer interrupts. The setup uses the ["direct boot"](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/#_direct_boot) configuration, so software applications are "installed" directly into the processor-internal IMEM (via the bitstream) during synthesis. :books: See User Guide section [Installing an Executable Directly Into Memory](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_installing_an_executable_directly_into_memory). ### [`neorv32_test_setup_bootloader.vhd`](https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/blob/main/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_bootloader.vhd) This setup configures a `rv32imc_Zicsr_Zicntr` CPU with 16kB IMEM (as RAM), 8kB DMEM and includes the **GPIO** module to drive 8 external signals (`gpio_o`), the **MTIME** module for generating timer interrupts and **UART0** to interface with the bootloader or application (via `uart0_txd_o` and `uart0_rxd_i`) via a serial terminal. The setup uses the ["indirect boot"](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/#_indirect_boot) configuration, so software applications can be uploaded and run at any timer via the bootloader and a serial terminal. :books: See User Guide section [Uploading and Starting of a Binary Executable Image via UART](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_uploading_and_starting_of_a_binary_executable_image_via_uart). ### [`neorv32_test_setup_on_chip_debugger.vhd`](https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/blob/main/rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_on_chip_debugger.vhd) This setup configures a `rv32imc_Zicsr_Zicntr_Zifencei` CPU with 16kB IMEM (as RAM), 8kB DMEM and includes the **GPIO** module to drive 8 external signals (`gpio_o`), the **MTIME** module for generating timer interrupts, **UART0** to interface with the bootloader or application (via `uart0_txd_o` and `uart0_rxd_i`) via a serial terminal and also the RISC-V-compatible on-chip debugger (**OCD**), which is accessible via a standard JTAG interface (`jtag_*`). The setup uses the ["indirect boot"](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/#_indirect_boot) configuration, so software applications can be uploaded and run at any timer via the bootloader and a serial terminal and also via the on-chip debugger. :books: See User Guide section [Debugging using the On-Chip Debugger](https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_debugging_using_the_on_chip_debugger).