################################################################################################# # << NEORV32 - Application Makefile >> # # ********************************************************************************************* # # BSD 3-Clause License # # # # The NEORV32 RISC-V Processor, https:\\github.com\stnolting\neorv32 # # Copyright (c) 2024, Stephan Nolting. All rights reserved. # # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are # # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # # conditions and the following disclaimer. # # # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of # # conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and\or other materials # # provided with the distribution. # # # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to # # endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written # # permission. # # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS # # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ################################################################################################# OSFLAG := ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) RM_WIN=del # Compiler toolchain RISCV_PREFIX = C:\riscv_precompiled\bin\riscv-none-elf- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USER CONFIGURATION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S) # User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry) APP_INC ?= -I . # User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry) ASM_INC ?= -I . # Optimization EFFORT ?= -Os # CPU architecture and ABI MARCH ?= rv32i_zicsr_zifencei MABI ?= ilp32 # User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags) USER_FLAGS ?= # Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder NEORV32_HOME ?= ..\..\.. NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL ?= $(NEORV32_HOME)\rtl # GDB arguments GDB_ARGS ?= -ex "target extended-remote localhost:3333" # GHDL simulation run arguments GHDL_RUN_FLAGS ?= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NEORV32 framework # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)\sw\common # Path to main NEORV32 library include files NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)\sw\lib\include # Path to main NEORV32 library source files NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)\sw\lib\source # Path to NEORV32 executable generator NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)\sw\image_gen # Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL)\core # Path to NEORV32 sim folder NEORV32_SIM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)\sim # Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder NEORV32_HOME_MARKER = $(NEORV32_INC_PATH)\neorv32.h # Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers) CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)\*.c) # Application start-up code CORE_SRC += $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)\crt0.S # Linker script LD_SCRIPT ?= $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)\neorv32.ld # Main output files APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin APP_ELF = main.elf APP_HEX = neorv32_raw_exe.hex APP_BIN = neorv32_raw_exe.bin APP_ASM = main.asm APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sources and objects # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define all sources SRC = $(APP_SRC) SRC += $(CORE_SRC) # Define all object files OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tools and flags # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compiler tools CC = $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc OBJDUMP = $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump OBJCOPY = $(RISCV_PREFIX)objcopy SIZE = $(RISCV_PREFIX)size GDB = $(RISCV_PREFIX)gdb # Host's native compiler CC_HOST = gcc -Wall -O -g # NEORV32 executable image generator IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)\image_gen # Compiler & linker flags CC_OPTS = -march=$(MARCH) -mabi=$(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv CC_OPTS += -mstrict-align -mbranch-cost=10 -g -Wl,--gc-sections CC_OPTS += $(USER_FLAGS) LD_LIBS = -lm -lc -lgcc LD_LIBS += $(USER_LIBS) # Actual flags passed to the compiler CC_FLAGS = $(CC_OPTS) # Export compiler flags as define string CC_FLAGS += -DCC_OPTS="\"$(CC_OPTS)\"" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application output definitions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader .DEFAULT_GOAL := help # 'compile' is still here for compatibility asm: $(APP_ASM) elf: $(APP_ELF) exe: $(APP_EXE) hex: $(APP_HEX) bin: $(APP_BIN) compile: $(APP_EXE) image: $(APP_IMG) install: image install-$(APP_IMG) windows: cmd /C $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)\make_image.bat '$(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)' '$(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)' '$(CURDIR)' all: $(APP_ASM) main.bin windows #$(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG) install hex bin # Check if making bootloader # Use different base address and length for instruction memory\"rom" (BOOTROM instead of IMEM) # Also define "make_bootloader" symbol for crt0.S, add debug symbols and use link-time optimization target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader -g -flto target bl_image: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader -g -flto # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Image generator targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install\compile tools $(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)\image_gen.c @echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN) @$(CC_HOST) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile app *.s sources (assembly) %.s.o: %.s @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@ # Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor) %.S.o: %.S @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@ # Compile app *.c sources %.c.o: %.c @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@ # Compile app *.cpp sources %.cpp.o: %.cpp @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@ # Link object files and show memory utilization $(APP_ELF): $(OBJ) @$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) $(LD_LIBS) -o $@ @echo "Memory utilization:" @$(SIZE) $(APP_ELF) # Assembly listing file (for debugging) $(APP_ASM): $(APP_ELF) @$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@ # Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!) main.bin: $(APP_ELF) @$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin @$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin @$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin @cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@ @$(RM_WIN) -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application targets: Generate executable formats # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader $(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) @echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:" @wc -c < $(APP_EXE) # Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image $(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) # Install VHDL memory initialization file install-$(APP_IMG): $(APP_IMG) @set -e @echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)\$(APP_IMG)" @cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)\. # Generate NEORV32 RAW executable image in plain hex format $(APP_HEX): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -raw_hex $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) # Generate NEORV32 RAW executable image in binary format $(APP_BIN): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -raw_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bootloader targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create and install bootloader VHDL init image $(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) install-$(BOOT_IMG): $(BOOT_IMG) @set -e @echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)\$(BOOT_IMG)" @cp $(BOOT_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)\. # Just an alias bl_image: $(BOOT_IMG) bootloader: bl_image install-$(BOOT_IMG) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check toolchain # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- check: $(IMAGE_GEN) @echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------" @echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)" @echo "---------------- Check: Shell ----------------" @echo ${SHELL} @readlink -f ${SHELL} @echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------" @$(CC) -v @echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------" @$(OBJDUMP) -V @echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------" @$(OBJCOPY) -V @echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------" @$(SIZE) -V @echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------" @$(IMAGE_GEN) -help @echo "---------------- Check: Host's native GCC ----------------" @$(CC_HOST) -v @echo @echo "Toolchain check OK" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # In-console simulation using default\simple testbench and GHDL # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sim: $(APP_IMG) install @echo "Simulating $(APP_IMG)..." @sh $(NEORV32_SIM_PATH)\simple\ghdl.sh $(GHDL_RUN_FLAGS) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show final ELF details (just for debugging) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- elf_info: $(APP_ELF) @$(OBJDUMP) -x $(APP_ELF) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run GDB # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gdb: @$(GDB) $(APP_ELF) $(GDB_ARGS) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean up # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean: @$(RM_WIN) -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd *.hex .gdb_history clean_all: clean @$(RM_WIN) -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- info: @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Project" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))" @echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)" @echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)" @echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- NEORV32" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)" @echo "IMAGE_GEN: $(IMAGE_GEN)" @echo "Core source files:" @echo "$(CORE_SRC)" @echo "Core include folder:" @echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Objects" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Project object files:" @echo "$(OBJ)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- RISC-V CPU" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)" @echo "MABI: $(MABI)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Toolchain" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)" @echo "CC: $(CC)" @echo "OBJDUMP: $(OBJDUMP)" @echo "OBJCOPY: $(OBJCOPY)" @echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)" @echo "DEBUGGER: $(GDB)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- GDB Arguments" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "GDB_ARGS: $(GDB_ARGS)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- GHDL Run Arguments" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "GHDL_RUN_FLAGS: $(GHDL_RUN_FLAGS)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Libraries" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "LIBGCC:" @$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name @echo "SEARCH-DIRS:" @$(CC) -print-search-dirs @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Compiler Flags" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "USER_FLAGS: $(USER_FLAGS)" @echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Libraries" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "USER_LIBS: $(USER_LIBS)" @echo "LD_LIBS: $(LD_LIBS)" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- help: @echo "NEORV32 Software Application Makefile" @echo "Find more information at https:\\github.com\stnolting\neorv32" @echo "" @echo "Targets:" @echo " help - show this text" @echo " check - check toolchain" @echo " info - show makefile\toolchain configuration" @echo " gdb - run GNU debugging session" @echo " asm - compile and generate <$(APP_ASM)> assembly listing file for manual debugging" @echo " elf - compile and generate <$(APP_ELF)> ELF file" @echo " exe - compile and generate <$(APP_EXE)> executable for upload via default bootloader (binary file, with header)" @echo " bin - compile and generate <$(APP_BIN)> RAW executable file (binary file, no header)" @echo " hex - compile and generate <$(APP_HEX)> RAW executable file (hex char file, no header)" @echo " image - compile and generate VHDL IMEM boot image (for application, no header) in local folder" @echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application, no header)" @echo " sim - in-console simulation using default\simple testbench and GHDL" @echo " all - exe + install + hex + bin + asm" @echo " elf_info - show ELF layout info" @echo " clean - clean up project home folder" @echo " clean_all - clean up whole project, core libraries and image generator" @echo " bl_image - compile and generate VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only, no header) in local folder" @echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only, no header)" @echo "" @echo "Variables:" @echo " USER_FLAGS - Custom toolchain flags [append only]: \"$(USER_FLAGS)\"" @echo " USER_LIBS - Custom libraries [append only]: \"$(USER_LIBS)\"" @echo " EFFORT - Optimization level: \"$(EFFORT)\"" @echo " MARCH - Machine architecture: \"$(MARCH)\"" @echo " MABI - Machine binary interface: \"$(MABI)\"" @echo " APP_INC - C include folder(s) [append only]: \"$(APP_INC)\"" @echo " ASM_INC - ASM include folder(s) [append only]: \"$(ASM_INC)\"" @echo " RISCV_PREFIX - Toolchain prefix: \"$(RISCV_PREFIX)\"" @echo " NEORV32_HOME - NEORV32 home folder: \"$(NEORV32_HOME)\"" @echo " GDB_ARGS - GDB (connection) arguments: \"$(GDB_ARGS)\"" @echo " GHDL_RUN_FLAGS - GHDL simulation run arguments: \"$(GHDL_RUN_FLAGS)\"" @echo "" else # Compiler toolchain RISCV_PREFIX = /opt/riscv32im/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USER CONFIGURATION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S) # User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry) APP_INC ?= -I . # User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry) ASM_INC ?= -I . # Optimization EFFORT ?= -Os # CPU architecture and ABI MARCH ?= rv32i_zicsr_zifencei MABI ?= ilp32 # User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags) USER_FLAGS ?= # Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../.. NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL ?= $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl # GDB arguments GDB_ARGS ?= -ex "target extended-remote localhost:3333" # GHDL simulation run arguments GHDL_RUN_FLAGS ?= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NEORV32 framework # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common # Path to main NEORV32 library include files NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include # Path to main NEORV32 library source files NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source # Path to NEORV32 executable generator NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen # Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL)/core # Path to NEORV32 sim folder NEORV32_SIM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sim # Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder NEORV32_HOME_MARKER = $(NEORV32_INC_PATH)/neorv32.h # Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers) CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c) # Application start-up code CORE_SRC += $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/crt0.S # Linker script LD_SCRIPT ?= $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld # Main output files APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin APP_ELF = main.elf APP_HEX = neorv32_raw_exe.hex APP_BIN = neorv32_raw_exe.bin APP_ASM = main.asm APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sources and objects # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define all sources SRC = $(APP_SRC) SRC += $(CORE_SRC) # Define all object files OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tools and flags # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compiler tools CC = $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc OBJDUMP = $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump OBJCOPY = $(RISCV_PREFIX)objcopy SIZE = $(RISCV_PREFIX)size GDB = $(RISCV_PREFIX)gdb # Host's native compiler CC_HOST = gcc -Wall -O -g # NEORV32 executable image generator IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen # Compiler & linker flags CC_OPTS = -march=$(MARCH) -mabi=$(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv CC_OPTS += -mstrict-align -mbranch-cost=10 -g -Wl,--gc-sections CC_OPTS += $(USER_FLAGS) LD_LIBS = -lm -lc -lgcc LD_LIBS += $(USER_LIBS) # Actual flags passed to the compiler CC_FLAGS = $(CC_OPTS) # Export compiler flags as define string CC_FLAGS += -DCC_OPTS="\"$(CC_OPTS)\"" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application output definitions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader .DEFAULT_GOAL := help # 'compile' is still here for compatibility asm: $(APP_ASM) elf: $(APP_ELF) exe: $(APP_EXE) hex: $(APP_HEX) bin: $(APP_BIN) compile: $(APP_EXE) image: $(APP_IMG) install: image install-$(APP_IMG) all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG) install hex bin # Check if making bootloader # Use different base address and length for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTROM instead of IMEM) # Also define "make_bootloader" symbol for crt0.S, add debug symbols and use link-time optimization target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader -g -flto target bl_image: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader -g -flto # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Image generator targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install/compile tools $(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.c @echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN) @$(CC_HOST) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile app *.s sources (assembly) %.s.o: %.s @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@ # Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor) %.S.o: %.S @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@ # Compile app *.c sources %.c.o: %.c @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@ # Compile app *.cpp sources %.cpp.o: %.cpp @$(CC) -c $(CC_FLAGS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@ # Link object files and show memory utilization $(APP_ELF): $(OBJ) @$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) $(LD_LIBS) -o $@ @echo "Memory utilization:" @$(SIZE) $(APP_ELF) # Assembly listing file (for debugging) $(APP_ASM): $(APP_ELF) @$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@ # Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!) main.bin: $(APP_ELF) @$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin @$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin @$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin @cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@ @rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application targets: Generate executable formats # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader $(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) @echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:" @wc -c < $(APP_EXE) # Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image $(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) # Install VHDL memory initialization file install-$(APP_IMG): $(APP_IMG) @set -e @echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)" @cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/. # Generate NEORV32 RAW executable image in plain hex format $(APP_HEX): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -raw_hex $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) # Generate NEORV32 RAW executable image in binary format $(APP_BIN): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -raw_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bootloader targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create and install bootloader VHDL init image $(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN) @set -e @$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) install-$(BOOT_IMG): $(BOOT_IMG) @set -e @echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)" @cp $(BOOT_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/. # Just an alias bl_image: $(BOOT_IMG) bootloader: bl_image install-$(BOOT_IMG) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check toolchain # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- check: $(IMAGE_GEN) @echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------" ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1) $(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!) endif @echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)" @echo "---------------- Check: Shell ----------------" @echo ${SHELL} @readlink -f ${SHELL} @echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------" @$(CC) -v @echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------" @$(OBJDUMP) -V @echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------" @$(OBJCOPY) -V @echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------" @$(SIZE) -V @echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------" @$(IMAGE_GEN) -help @echo "---------------- Check: Host's native GCC ----------------" @$(CC_HOST) -v @echo @echo "Toolchain check OK" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # In-console simulation using default/simple testbench and GHDL # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sim: $(APP_IMG) install @echo "Simulating $(APP_IMG)..." @sh $(NEORV32_SIM_PATH)/simple/ghdl.sh $(GHDL_RUN_FLAGS) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show final ELF details (just for debugging) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- elf_info: $(APP_ELF) @$(OBJDUMP) -x $(APP_ELF) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run GDB # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gdb: @$(GDB) $(APP_ELF) $(GDB_ARGS) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean up # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean: @rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd *.hex .gdb_history clean_all: clean @rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- info: @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Project" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))" @echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)" @echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)" @echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- NEORV32" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)" @echo "IMAGE_GEN: $(IMAGE_GEN)" @echo "Core source files:" @echo "$(CORE_SRC)" @echo "Core include folder:" @echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Objects" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Project object files:" @echo "$(OBJ)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- RISC-V CPU" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)" @echo "MABI: $(MABI)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Toolchain" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)" @echo "CC: $(CC)" @echo "OBJDUMP: $(OBJDUMP)" @echo "OBJCOPY: $(OBJCOPY)" @echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)" @echo "DEBUGGER: $(GDB)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- GDB Arguments" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "GDB_ARGS: $(GDB_ARGS)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- GHDL Run Arguments" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "GHDL_RUN_FLAGS: $(GHDL_RUN_FLAGS)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Libraries" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "LIBGCC:" @$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name @echo "SEARCH-DIRS:" @$(CC) -print-search-dirs @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Compiler Flags" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "USER_FLAGS: $(USER_FLAGS)" @echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "-- Libraries" @echo "------------------------------------------------------" @echo "USER_LIBS: $(USER_LIBS)" @echo "LD_LIBS: $(LD_LIBS)" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- help: @echo "NEORV32 Software Application Makefile" @echo "Find more information at https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32" @echo "" @echo "Targets:" @echo " help - show this text" @echo " check - check toolchain" @echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration" @echo " gdb - run GNU debugging session" @echo " asm - compile and generate <$(APP_ASM)> assembly listing file for manual debugging" @echo " elf - compile and generate <$(APP_ELF)> ELF file" @echo " exe - compile and generate <$(APP_EXE)> executable for upload via default bootloader (binary file, with header)" @echo " bin - compile and generate <$(APP_BIN)> RAW executable file (binary file, no header)" @echo " hex - compile and generate <$(APP_HEX)> RAW executable file (hex char file, no header)" @echo " image - compile and generate VHDL IMEM boot image (for application, no header) in local folder" @echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application, no header)" @echo " sim - in-console simulation using default/simple testbench and GHDL" @echo " all - exe + install + hex + bin + asm" @echo " elf_info - show ELF layout info" @echo " clean - clean up project home folder" @echo " clean_all - clean up whole project, core libraries and image generator" @echo " bl_image - compile and generate VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only, no header) in local folder" @echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only, no header)" @echo "" @echo "Variables:" @echo " USER_FLAGS - Custom toolchain flags [append only]: \"$(USER_FLAGS)\"" @echo " USER_LIBS - Custom libraries [append only]: \"$(USER_LIBS)\"" @echo " EFFORT - Optimization level: \"$(EFFORT)\"" @echo " MARCH - Machine architecture: \"$(MARCH)\"" @echo " MABI - Machine binary interface: \"$(MABI)\"" @echo " APP_INC - C include folder(s) [append only]: \"$(APP_INC)\"" @echo " ASM_INC - ASM include folder(s) [append only]: \"$(ASM_INC)\"" @echo " RISCV_PREFIX - Toolchain prefix: \"$(RISCV_PREFIX)\"" @echo " NEORV32_HOME - NEORV32 home folder: \"$(NEORV32_HOME)\"" @echo " GDB_ARGS - GDB (connection) arguments: \"$(GDB_ARGS)\"" @echo " GHDL_RUN_FLAGS - GHDL simulation run arguments: \"$(GHDL_RUN_FLAGS)\"" @echo "" endif