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==== True Random-Number Generator (TRNG)
| Hardware source file(s): | neorv32_trng.vhd |
| Software driver file(s): | neorv32_trng.c |
| | neorv32_trng.h |
| Top entity port: | none |
| Configuration generics: | `IO_TRNG_EN` | implement TRNG when `true`
| | `IO_TRNG_FIFO` | data FIFO depth, min 1, has to be a power of two
| CPU interrupts: | fast IRQ channel 15 | TRNG FIFO level interrupt (see <<_processor_interrupts>>)
The NEORV32 true random number generator provides _physically_ true random numbers. It is based on free-running
ring-oscillators that generate **phase noise** when being sampled by a constant clock. This phase noise is
used as physical entropy source. The TRNG features a platform independent architecture without FPGA-specific
primitives, macros or attributes so it can be synthesized for _any_ FPGA.
.In-Depth Documentation
For more information about the neoTRNG architecture and an analysis of its random quality check out the
neoTRNG repository:
.Inferring Latches
The synthesis tool might emit warnings regarding **inferred latches** or **combinatorial loops**. However, this
is not design flaw as this is exactly what we want. ;)
When simulating the processor the TRNG is automatically set to "simulation mode". In this mode the physical entropy
sources (the ring oscillators) are replaced by a simple **pseudo RNG** based on a LFSR providing only
**deterministic pseudo-random** data. The `TRNG_CTRL_SIM_MODE` flag of the control register is set if simulation
mode is active.
**Theory of Operation**
The TRNG features a single control register `CTRL` for control, status check and data access. When the `TRNG_CTRL_EN`
bit is set, the TRNG is enabled and starts operation. As soon as the `TRNG_CTRL_VALID` bit is set a new random data byte
is available and can be obtained from the lowest 8 bits of the `CTRL` register. If this bit is cleared, there is no
valid data available and the lowest 8 bit of the `CTRL` register are set to all-zero.
An internal entropy FIFO can be configured using the `IO_TRNG_FIFO` generic. This FIFO automatically samples
new random data from the TRNG to provide some kind of _random data pool_ for applications, which require a large number
of random data in a short time. The random data FIFO can be cleared at any time either by disabling the TRNG or by
setting the `TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_CLR` flag. The FIFO depth can be retrieved by software via the `TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_*` bits.
**TRNG Interrupt**
The TRNG provides a single interrupt channel that can be programmed to trigger on certain FIFO fill-level conditions.
This feature can be used to inform the CPU that a certain amount of entropy is available for further processing. Using
the control register's `TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_*` bits the IRQ can be configured to trigger if the data FIFO is empty
(`TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_FIFO_NEMPTY`), if the data FIFO is at least half full (`TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_FIFO_HALF`) or if the data FIFO is
entirely full (`TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_FIFO_NEMPTY`). Note that all enabled interrupt conditions are logically OR-ed.
Once the TRNG interrupt has fired it remains pending until the actual cause of the interrupt is resolved. Furthermore,
an active TRNG interrupt has to be explicitly cleared again by writing zero to the according <<_mip>> CSR bit.
**Register Map**
.TRNG register map (`struct NEORV32_TRNG`)
| Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function
.11+<| `0xfffffa00` .11+<| `CTRL` <|`7:0` `TRNG_CTRL_DATA_MSB : TRNG_CTRL_DATA_MSB` ^| r/- <| 8-bit random data
<|`15:8` - ^| r/- <| reserved, read as zero
<|`19:16` `TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_MSB : TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_MSB` ^| r/- <| FIFO depth, log2(`IO_TRNG_FIFO`)
<|`25:20` - ^| r/- <| reserved, read as zero
<|`26` `TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_FIFO_NEMPTY` ^| r/w <| IRQ if data FIFO is not empty
<|`26` `TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_FIFO_HALF` ^| r/w <| IRQ if data FIFO is at least half full
<|`27` `TRNG_CTRL_IRQ_FIFO_FULL` ^| r/w <| IRQ if data FIFO is full
<|`28` `TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_CLR` ^| -/w <| flush random data FIFO when set; auto-clears
<|`29` `TRNG_CTRL_SIM_MODE` ^| r/- <| simulation mode (PRNG!)
<|`30` `TRNG_CTRL_EN` ^| r/w <| TRNG enable
<|`31` `TRNG_CTRL_VALID` ^| r/- <| random data is valid when set