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== Software Framework
The NEORV32 project comes with a complete software ecosystem called the "software framework", which
is based on the C-language RISC-V GCC port and consists of the following parts:
* <<_compiler_toolchain>>
* <<_core_libraries>>
* <<_application_makefile>>
* <<_executable_image_format>>
** <<_linker_script>>
** <<_ram_layout>>
** <<_c_standard_library>>
** <<_start_up_code_crt0>>
* <<_bootloader>>
* <<_neorv32_runtime_environment>>
A summarizing list of the most important elements of the software framework and their according
files and folders is shown below:
| Application start-up code | `sw/common/crt0.S`
| Application linker script | `sw/common/neorv32.ld`
| Core hardware driver libraries ("HAL") | `sw/lib/include/` & `sw/lib/source/`
| Central application makefile | `sw/common/common.mk`
| Tool for generating NEORV32 executables | `sw/image_gen/`
| Default bootloader | `sw/bootloader`
| Example programs | `sw/example`
.Software Documentation
All core libraries and example programs are documented "in-code" using **Doxygen**.
The documentation is automatically built and deployed to GitHub pages and is available online
at https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/sw/files.html.
.Example Programs
A collection of annotated example programs, which show how to use certain CPU functions
and peripheral/IO modules, can be found in `sw/example`.
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=== Compiler Toolchain
The toolchain for this project is based on the free and open RISC-V GCC-port. You can find the compiler sources and
build instructions on the official RISC-V GNU toolchain GitHub page: https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnutoolchain.
The NEORV32 implements a 32-bit RISC-V architecture and uses a 32-bit integer and soft-float ABI by default.
Make sure the toolchain / toolchain build is configured accordingly.
* `MARCH=rv32i`
* `MABI=ilp32`
* `RISCV_PREFIX=riscv32-unknown-elf-`
These default configurations can be overridden at any times using <<_application_makefile>> variables.
More information regarding the toolchain (building from scratch or downloading prebuilt ones) can be found in the
user guide section https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_software_toolchain_setup[Software Toolchain Setup].
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=== Core Libraries
The NEORV32 project provides a set of pre-defined C libraries that allow an easy integration of the processor/CPU features
(also called "HAL" - hardware abstraction layer). All driver and runtime-related files are located in
`sw/lib`. These are automatically included and linked by adding the following include statement:
#include <neorv32.h> // NEORV32 HAL, core and runtime libraries
.NEORV32 HAL File List
| C source file | C header file | Description
| - | `neorv32.h` | Main NEORV32 library file
| `neorv32_cfs.c` | `neorv32_cfs.h` | <<_custom_functions_subsystem_cfs>> HAL
| `neorv32_crc.c` | `neorv32_crc.h` | <<_cyclic_redundancy_check_crc>> HAL
| `neorv32_cpu.c` | `neorv32_cpu.h` | <<_neorv32_central_processing_unit_cpu>> HAL
| `neorv32_cpu_amo.c` | `neorv32_cpu_amo.h` | Emulation functions for the read-modify-write <<_a_isa_extension>> instructions
| | `neorv32_cpu_csr.h` | <<_control_and_status_registers_csrs>> definitions
| `neorv32_cpu_cfu.c` | `neorv32_cpu_cfu.h` | <<_custom_functions_unit_cfu>> HAL
| - | `neorv32_dm.h` | <<_debug_module_dm>> HAL
| `neorv32_dma.c` | `neorv32_dma.h` | <<_direct_memory_access_controller_dma>> HAL
| `neorv32_gpio.c` | `neorv32_gpio.h` | <<_general_purpose_input_and_output_port_gpio>> HAL
| `neorv32_gptmr.c` | `neorv32_gptmr.h` | <<_general_purpose_timer_gptmr>> HAL
| - | `neorv32_intrinsics.h` | Macros for intrinsics & custom instructions
| `neorv32_mtime.c` | `neorv32_mtime.h` | <<_machine_system_timer_mtime>> HAL
| `neorv32_neoled.c` | `neorv32_neoled.h` | <<_smart_led_interface_neoled>> HAL
| `neorv32_onewire.c` | `neorv32_onewire.h` | <<_one_wire_serial_interface_controller_onewire>> HAL
| `neorv32_pwm.c` | `neorv32_pwm.h` | <<_pulse_width_modulation_controller_pwm>> HAL
| `neorv32_rte.c` | `neorv32_rte.h` | <<_neorv32_runtime_environment>>
| `neorv32_sdi.c` | `neorv32_sdi.h` | <<_serial_data_interface_controller_sdi>> HAL
| `neorv32_slink.c` | `neorv32_slink.h` | <<_stream_link_interface_slink>> HAL
| `neorv32_spi.c` | `neorv32_spi.h` | <<_serial_peripheral_interface_controller_spi>> HAL
| - | `neorv32_sysinfo.h` | <<_system_configuration_information_memory_sysinfo>> HAL
| `neorv32_trng.c` | `neorv32_trng.h` | <<_true_random_number_generator_trng>> HAL
| `neorv32_twi.c` | `neorv32_twi.h` | <<_two_wire_serial_interface_controller_twi>> HAL
| `neorv32_uart.c` | `neorv32_uart.h` | <<_primary_universal_asynchronous_receiver_and_transmitter_uart0>> and UART1 HAL
| `neorv32_wdt.c` | `neorv32_wdt.h` | <<_watchdog_timer_wdt>> HAL
| `neorv32_xip.c` | `neorv32_xip.h` | <<_execute_in_place_module_xip>> HAL
| `neorv32_xirq.c` | `neorv32_xirq.h` | <<_external_interrupt_controller_xirq>> HAL
| `syscalls.c` | - | Newlib "system calls" (stubs)
| - | `legacy.h` | Backwards compatibility wrappers and functions (do not use for new designs)
.Core Library Documentation
The _doxygen_-based documentation of the software framework including all core libraries is available online at
.CMSIS System View Description File (SVD)
A CMSIS-SVD-compatible **System View Description (SVD)** file including all peripherals is available in `sw/svd`.
Together with a third-party plugin the processor's SVD file can be imported right into GDB to allow comfortable
debugging of peripheral/IO devices (see https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/discussions/656).
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=== Application Makefile
Application compilation is based on a single, centralized GNU makefile (`sw/common/common.mk`). Each project in the
`sw/example` folder provides a makefile that just _includes_ this central makefile.
When creating a new project, copy an existing project folder or at least the makefile to the new project folder.
It is recommended to create new projects also in `sw/example` to keep the file dependencies. However, these
dependencies can be manually configured via makefile variables if the new project is located somewhere else.
Before the makefile can be used to compile applications, the RISC-V GCC toolchain needs to be installed and
the compiler's `bin` folder has to be added to the system's `PATH` environment variable. More information can be
found in https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_software_toolchain_setup[User Guide: Software Toolchain Setup].
==== Makefile Targets
Just executing `make` (or executing `make help`) will show the help menu listing all available targets.
$ make
NEORV32 Software Application Makefile
Find more information at https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32
help - show this text
check - check toolchain
info - show makefile/toolchain configuration
gdb - run GNU debugging session
asm - compile and generate <main.asm> assembly listing file for manual debugging
elf - compile and generate <main.elf> ELF file
bin - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.bin> RAW executable file (binary file, no header)
hex - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.hex> RAW executable file (hex char file, no header)
image - compile and generate VHDL IMEM boot image (for application, no header) in local folder
install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application, no header)
sim - in-console simulation using default/simple testbench and GHDL
all - exe + install + hex + bin + asm
elf_info - show ELF layout info
clean - clean up project home folder
clean_all - clean up whole project, core libraries and image generator
bl_image - compile and generate VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only, no header) in local folder
bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only, no header)
USER_FLAGS - Custom toolchain flags [append only]: ""
USER_LIBS - Custom libraries [append only]: ""
EFFORT - Optimization level: "-Os"
MARCH - Machine architecture: "rv32i_zicsr_zifencei"
MABI - Machine binary interface: "ilp32"
APP_INC - C include folder(s) [append only]: "-I ."
ASM_INC - ASM include folder(s) [append only]: "-I ."
RISCV_PREFIX - Toolchain prefix: "riscv32-unknown-elf-"
NEORV32_HOME - NEORV32 home folder: "../../.."
GDB_ARGS - GDB (connection) arguments: "-ex target extended-remote localhost:3333"
GHDL_RUN_FLAGS - GHDL simulation run arguments: ""
==== Makefile Configuration
The compilation flow is configured via variables right at the beginning of the central
makefile (`sw/common/common.mk`):
.Customizing Makefile Variables
The makefile configuration variables can be overridden or extended directly when invoking the makefile. For
example `$ make MARCH=rv32ic_zicsr_zifencei clean_all exe` overrides the default `MARCH` variable definitions.
.Default Makefile Configuration
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf-
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= rv32i_zicsr_zifencei
MABI ?= ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# User libraries (will be included by linker)
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# GDB arguments
GDB_ARGS ?= -ex "target extended-remote localhost:3333"
# *****************************************************************************
.Variables Description
| `APP_SRC` | The source files of the application (`*.c`, `*.cpp`, `*.S` and `*.s` files are allowed; files of these types in the project folder are automatically added via wild cards). Additional files can be added separated by white spaces
| `APP_INC` | Include file folders; separated by white spaces; must be defined with `-I` prefix
| `ASM_INC` | Include file folders that are used only for the assembly source files (`*.S`/`*.s`).
| `EFFORT` | Optimization level, optimize for size (`-Os`) is default; legal values: `-O0`, `-O1`, `-O2`, `-O3`, `-Os`, `-Ofast`, ...
| `RISCV_PREFIX` | The toolchain prefix to be used; follows the triplet naming convention `[architecture]-[host_system]-[output]-...`
| `MARCH` | The targeted RISC-V architecture/ISA
| `MABI` | Application binary interface (default: 32-bit integer ABI `ilp32`)
| `USER_FLAGS` | Additional flags that will be forwarded to the compiler tools
| `USER_LIBS` | Additional libraries to include during linking (`*.a`)
| `NEORV32_HOME` | Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 project home folder; adapt this if the makefile/project is not in the project's default `sw/example` folder
| `GDB_ARGS` | Default GDB arguments when running the `gdb` target
| `GHDL_RUN_FLAGS` | GHDL run arguments (e.g. `--stop-time=1ms`)
==== Default Compiler Flags
The following default compiler flags are used for compiling an application. These flags are defined via the
`CC_OPTS` variable.
The makefile's `CC_OPTS` is exported as **define** to be available within a C program; for example
`neorv32_uart0_printf("%s\n", CC_OPTS);`.
| `-Wall` | Enable all compiler warnings.
| `-ffunction-sections` | Put functions and data segment in independent sections. This allows a code optimization as dead code and unused data can be easily removed.
| `-nostartfiles` | Do not use the default start code. Instead, the NEORV32-specific start-up code (`sw/common/crt0.S`) is used (pulled-in by the linker script).
| `-Wl,--gc-sections` | Make the linker perform dead code elimination.
| `-lm` | Include/link with `math.h`.
| `-lc` | Search for the standard C library when linking.
| `-lgcc` | Make sure we have no unresolved references to internal GCC library subroutines.
| `-mno-fdiv` | Use built-in software functions for floating-point divisions and square roots (since the according instructions are not supported yet).
| `-g` | Include debugging information/symbols in ELF.
| `-mstrict-align` | Unaligned memory accesses cannot be resolved by the hardware and require emulation.
| `-mbranch-cost=10` | Branching costs a lot of cycles.
==== Custom (Compiler) Flags
Custom flags can be _appended_ to the `USER_FLAGS` variable. This allows to customize the entire software framework while
calling `make` without the need to change the makefile(s) or the linker script. The following example will add debug symbols
to the executable (`-g`) and will also re-define the linker script's `__neorv32_heap_size` variable setting the maximal heap
size to 4096 bytes (see sections <<_linker_script>> and <<_ram_layout>>):
.Using the `USER_FLAGS` Variable for Customization
$ make USER_FLAGS+="-g -Wl,--__neorv32_heap_size,__heap_size=4096" clean_all exe
The configuration can also be made "permanent" by adapting the application's makefile (make sure to use the
`override` command here):
.Using the `USER_FLAGS` Variable for Permanent Customization
override USER_FLAGS += "-g -Wl,--__neorv32_heap_size,__heap_size=4096"
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=== Executable Image Format
In order to generate an executable for the processors all source files have to be compiled, linked
and packed into a final executable.
==== Linker Script
After all the application sources have been compiled, they need to be _linked_.
For this purpose the makefile uses the NEORV32-specific linker script `sw/common/neorv32.ld` for
linking all object files that were generated during compilation. In general, the linker script defines
two final memory sections: `rom` and `ram`.
.Linker script - memory sections
| Memory section | Description
| `ram` | Data memory address space (processor-internal/external DMEM)
| `rom` | Instruction memory address space (processor-internal/external IMEM) _or_ internal bootloader ROM
The `rom` section is automatically re-mapped to the processor-internal <<_bootloader_rom_bootrom>> when (re-)compiling the
Each section has two main attributes: `ORIGIN` and `LENGTH`. `ORIGIN` defines the base address of the according section
while `LENGTH` defines its size in bytes. The attributes are configured indirectly via variables that provide default values.
.Linker script - section configuration
/* Default rom/ram (IMEM/DMEM) sizes */
__neorv32_rom_size = DEFINED(__neorv32_rom_size) ? __neorv32_rom_size : 2048M;
__neorv32_ram_size = DEFINED(__neorv32_ram_size) ? __neorv32_ram_size : 8K;
/* Default section base addresses */
__neorv32_rom_base = DEFINED(__neorv32_rom_base) ? __neorv32_rom_base : 0x00000000;
__neorv32_ram_base = DEFINED(__neorv32_ram_base) ? __neorv32_ram_base : 0x80000000;
The region size and base address configuration can be edited by the user - either by explicitly
changing the default values in the linker script or by overriding them when invoking `make`:
.Overriding default `rom` size configuration (configuring 4096 bytes)
[source, bash]
$ make USER_FLAGS+="-Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_rom_size=4096" clean_all exe
`__neorv32_rom_base` (= `ORIGIN` of the `ram` section) and `__neorv32_ram_base` (= `ORIGIN` of the `rom` section) have to
be sync to the actual memory layout configuration of the processor (see section <<_address_space>>).
The default configuration for the `rom` section assumes a maximum of 2GB _logical_ memory address space. This size does not
have to reflect the _actual_ physical size of the entire instruction memory. It just provides a maximum limit. When uploading
a new executable via the bootloader, the bootloader itself checks if sufficient _physical_ instruction memory is available.
If a new executable is embedded right into the internal-IMEM the synthesis tool will check, if the configured instruction memory
size is sufficient.
The linker maps all the regions from the compiled object files into five final sections: `.text`,
`.rodata`, `.data`, `.bss` and `.heap`:
.Linker script - memory regions
| Region | Description
| `.text` | Executable instructions generated from the start-up code and all application sources.
| `.rodata` | Constants (like strings) from the application; also the initial data for initialized variables.
| `.data` | This section is required for the address generation of fixed (= global) variables only.
| `.bss` | This section is required for the address generation of dynamic memory constructs only.
| `.heap` | This section is required for the address generation of dynamic memory constructs only.
The `.text` and `.rodata` sections are mapped to processor's instruction memory space and the `.data`,
`.bss` and `heap` sections are mapped to the processor's data memory space. Finally, the `.text`, `.rodata` and `.data`
sections are extracted and concatenated into a single file `main.bin`.
.Section Alignment
The default NEORV32 linker script aligns _all_ regions so they start and end on a 32-bit (word) boundaries. The default
NEORV32 start-up code (crt0) makes use of this alignment by using word-level memory instructions to initialize the `.data`
section and to clear the `.bss` section (faster!).
==== RAM Layout
The default NEORV32 linker script uses all of the defined RAM (linker script memory section `ram`) to several sections.
Note that depending on the application some sections might have zero size.
.Default RAM Layout
. **Constant data (`.data`)**: The constant data section is placed right at the beginning of the RAM. For example, this section
contains _explicitly initialized_ global variables. This section is initialized by the executable.
. **Dynamic data (`.bss`)**: The constant data section is followed by the dynamic data section, which contains _uninitialized_ data
like global variables without explicit initialization. This section is cleared by the start-up code `crt0.S`.
. **Heap (`.heap`)**: The heap is used for dynamic memory that is managed by functions like `malloc()` and `free()`. The heap
grows upwards. This section is not initialized at all.
. **Stack**: The stack starts at the very end of the RAM at address `ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram) - 4`. The stack grows downwards.
There is _no explicit limit_ for the maximum stack size as this is hard to check. However, a physical memory protection rule could
be used to configure a maximum size by adding a "protection area" between stack and heap (a PMP region without any access rights).
.Heap Size
The maximum size of the heap is defined by the linker script's `__neorv32_heap_size` variable. This variable has to be
**explicitly defined** in order to define a heap size (and to use dynamic memory allocation at all) other than zero. The user
can define the heap size while invoking the application makefile: `$ USER_FLAGS+="-Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_heap_size=4k" make clean_all exe`
(defines a heap size of 4*1024 bytes).
.Heap-Stack Collisions
Take care when using dynamic memory to avoid collision of the heap and stack memory areas. There is no compile-time protection
mechanism available as the actual heap and stack size are defined by _runtime_ data. Also beware of fragmentation when
using dynamic memory allocation.
==== C Standard Library
The default software framework relies on **newlib** as default C standard library.
.RTOS Support
The NEORV32 CPU and processor **do support** embedded RTOS like FreeRTOS and Zephyr. See the User guide section
https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_zephyr_rtos_support[Zephyr RTOS Support] and
https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_freertos_support[FreeRTOS Support]
for more information. +
The FreeRTOS port and demo is available in a separate repository: https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32-freertos
Newlib provides stubs for common "system calls" (like file handling and standard input/output) that are used by other
C libraries like `stdio`. These stubs are available in `sw/source/source/syscalls.c` and were adapted for the NEORV32 processor.
.Standard Consoles
The <<_primary_universal_asynchronous_receiver_and_transmitter_uart0, UART0>>
is used to implement all the standard input, output and error consoles (`STDIN`, `STDOUT` and `STDERR`).
.Constructors and Destructors
Constructors and destructors for plain C code or for C++ applications are supported by the software framework.
See `sw/example/hello_cpp` for a minimal example.
.Newlib Test/Demo Program
A simple test and demo program, which uses some of newlib's core functions (like `malloc`/`free` and `read`/`write`)
is available in `sw/example/demo_newlib`
==== Executable Image Generator
The `main.bin` file is packed by the NEORV32 image generator (`sw/image_gen`) to generate the final executable file.
The image generator can generate several types of executables selected by a flag when calling the generator:
| `-app_bin` | Generates an executable binary file `neorv32_exe.bin` (including header) for UART uploading via the bootloader.
| `-app_img` | Generates an executable VHDL memory initialization image (no header) for the processor-internal IMEM. This option generates the `rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd` file.
| `-raw_hex` | Generates a plain ASCII hex-char file `neorv32_raw_exe.hex` (no header) for custom purpose.
| `-raw_bin` | Generates a plain binary file `neorv32_raw_exe.bin` (no header) for custom purpose.
| `-bld_img` | Generates an executable VHDL memory initialization image (no header) for the processor-internal BOOT ROM. This option generates the `rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd` file.
All these options are managed by the makefile. The normal application compilation flow will generate the `neorv32_exe.bin`
executable designated for uploading via the default NEORV32 bootloader.
.Image Generator Compilation
The sources of the image generator are automatically compiled when invoking the makefile (requiring a native GCC installation).
.Executable Header
The image generator add a small header to the `neorv32_exe.bin` executable, which consists of three 32-bit words located right
at the beginning of the file. The first word of the executable is the signature word and is always `0x4788cafe`. Based on this
word the bootloader can identify a valid image file. The next word represents the size in bytes of the actual program image in
bytes. A simple "complement" checksum of the actual program image is given by the third word. This provides a simple protection
against data transmission or storage errors. **Note that this executable format cannot be used for _direct_ execution (e.g. via
XIP or direct memory access).**
==== Start-Up Code (crt0)
The CPU and also the processor require a minimal start-up and initialization code to bring the CPU (and the SoC)
into a stable and initialized state and to initialize the C runtime environment before the actual application can be executed.
This start-up code is located in `sw/common/crt0.S` and is automatically linked _every_ application program
and placed right before the actual application code so it gets executed right after reset.
The `crt0.S` start-up performs the following operations:
. Clear <<_mstatus>>.
. Clear <<_mie>> disabling all interrupt sources.
. Install an <<_early_trap_handler>> to <<_mtvec>>.
. Initialize the global pointer `gp` and the stack pointer `sp` according to the <<_ram_layout>> provided by the linker script.
. Initialize all integer register `x1` - `x31` (only `x1` - `x15` if the `E` CPU extension is enabled).
. Setup `.data` section to configure initialized variables.
. Clear the `.bss` section.
. Call all _constructors_ (if there are any).
. Call the application's `main` function (with no arguments: `argc` = `argv` = 0).
. If `main` returns:
** All interrupt sources are disabled by clearing <<_mie>>.
** The return value of `main` is copied to the <<_mscratch>> CSR to allow inspection by the debugger.
** Call all _destructors_ (if there are any).
** The CPU enters sleep mode executing the `wfi` instruction in an endless loop.
.Bootloader Start-Up Code
The bootloader uses the same start-up code as any "usual" application. However, certain parts are omitted when compiling
`crt0` for the bootloader (like calling constructors and destructors). See the `crt0` source code for more information.
===== Early Trap Handler
The start-up code provides a very basic trap handler for the early boot stage. This handler does nothing but trying to move
on to the next linear instruction whenever an interrupt or synchronous exception is encountered.
This simple trap handler does not interact with the stack at all as it just uses a single register that is backup-ed
using the <<_mscratch>> CSR. Furthermore, the information if the trap-causing instruction is compressed or uncompressed
is **not** determined by loading the instruction from memory. Instead, the transformed instruction word is read from the
<<_mtinst>> CSRs. These two features allow the trap handler to execute with minimal latency and high robustness.
The early-trap handler should be replaced by a more capable / informative one as soon as the application software is started
(for example by using the <<_neorv32_runtime_environment>>).
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