* LICENSE * * THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, UNDER * THE TERMS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GNU-GPL). * * This means NO WARRANTY what so ever. * * Don't even expect the program to work for any particular purpose: * Maybe it is going to reboot your machine when run, or destroy your most * precious data, or make you hairs becoming gray. Maybe all your friends * are going to think you're a jerk because of the use of this program. * So use at your own risks. * * You may modify the source code and distribute it as you want, provided * that the initial copyright is preserved and acknowledged and that your * changes are clearly documented and signed in this section. Bug fixes, * comments or additionnal features may be sent to the author who will * do whatever pleases him with them, including but not limited to, nothing. * * See http://www.gnu.org/ for more information. * *