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** Copyright (C) WCH 2001-2022 **
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USB2.0 adapter chip ch347, based on 480mbps high-speed USB bus, extends UART/SPI/I2C/JTAG
user mode only,VC6.0 and later
Copyright (c) 2022 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
#ifndef _CH347_DLL_H
#define _CH347_DLL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef _WIN64
#define mOFFSET( s, m ) ( (ULONG_PTR) & ( ( ( s * ) 0 ) -> m ) ) // Defines a macro that gets the relative offset address of a structure member
#define mOFFSET( s, m ) ( (ULONG) & ( ( ( s * ) 0 ) -> m ) ) // Defines a macro that gets the relative offset address of a structure member
#ifndef max
#define max( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) > ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) ) // Larger value
#ifndef min
#define min( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) < ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) ) // Smaller Value
#ifdef ExAllocatePool
#undef ExAllocatePool // Delete memory allocation with TAG
#ifndef NTSTATUS
typedef LONG NTSTATUS; // Return status
//Sharing CH341WDM driver with CH341DLL
#ifndef _CH341_DLL_H
typedef struct _USB_SETUP_PKT { // Data request packet structure in the setup phase of USB control transfer
UCHAR mUspReqType; // 00H request type
UCHAR mUspRequest; // 01H request code
union {
struct {
UCHAR mUspValueLow; // 02H Value parameter low byte
UCHAR mUspValueHigh; // 03H Value parameter high byte
USHORT mUspValue; // 02H-03H value parameters
union {
struct {
UCHAR mUspIndexLow; // 04H index parameter low byte
UCHAR mUspIndexHigh; // 05H index parameter high byte
USHORT mUspIndex; // 04H-05H index parameter
USHORT mLength; // 06H-07H data length of data stage
typedef struct _WIN32_COMMAND { // Define the WIN32 command interface structure
union {
ULONG mFunction; // Specify function code or pipe number when inputting
NTSTATUS mStatus; // return operation status when output
ULONG mLength; // access length, return the length of subsequent data
union {
mUSB_SETUP_PKT mSetupPkt; // Data request in the setup phase of USB control transfer
UCHAR mBuffer[ 512]; // data buffer, the length is 0 to 255B
// WIN32 Application layer interface command
#define IOCTL_CH341_COMMAND ( FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN << 16 | FILE_ANY_ACCESS << 14 | 0x0f34 << 2 | METHOD_BUFFERED ) // private interface
#define mWIN32_COMMAND_HEAD mOFFSET( mWIN32_COMMAND, mBuffer ) // Header length of WIN32 command interface
#define mCH341_MAX_NUMBER 16 // Maximum number of CH375 connected at the same time
#define mMAX_BUFFER_LENGTH 0x1000 // The maximum length of the data buffer is 4MB
#define mMAX_COMMAND_LENGTH ( mWIN32_COMMAND_HEAD + mMAX_BUFFER_LENGTH ) // maximum data length plus the length of the command structure header
#define mDEFAULT_BUFFER_LEN 0x0400 // The default length of the data buffer is 1024
#define mDEFAULT_COMMAND_LEN ( mWIN32_COMMAND_HEAD + mDEFAULT_BUFFER_LEN ) // default data length plus the length of the command structure header
// CH341 endpoint address
#define mCH347_ENDP_DATA_UP 0x86 // The address of the data block upload endpoint of CH347
#define mCH347_ENDP_DATA_DOWN 0x06 // The address of the data block download endpoint of CH347
// Pipeline operation command provided by equipment layer interface
#define mPipeDeviceCtrl 0x00000004 // CH347 integrated control pipeline
#define mPipeDataUp 0x00000006 // CH347 data block upload pipeline
#define mPipeDataDown 0x00000007 // CH347 data block download pipeline
// Function code of application layer interface
#define mFuncNoOperation 0x00000000 // no operation
#define mFuncGetVersion 0x00000001 // Get the driver version number
#define mFuncGetConfig 0x00000002 // Get the USB device configuration descriptor
#define mFuncSetTimeout 0x00000009 // Set USB communication timeout
#define mFuncSetExclusive 0x0000000b // Set exclusive use
#define mFuncResetDevice 0x0000000c // Reset the USB device
#define mFuncResetPipe 0x0000000d // Reset the USB pipe
#define mFuncAbortPipe 0x0000000e // Cancel the data request of the USB pipe
#define mFuncBufferMode 0x00000020 // Set the buffer upload mode and query the data length in the buffer
#define mFuncBufferModeDn 0x00000021 // Set the buffer download mode and query the data length in the buffer
#define mFuncGetVersionEx 0x00000022 // Get the driver version number and chip model
// USB device standard request code
#define mUSB_CLR_FEATURE 0x01
#define mUSB_SET_FEATURE 0x03
#define mUSB_GET_STATUS 0x00
#define mUSB_SET_ADDRESS 0x05
#define mUSB_GET_DESCR 0x06
#define mUSB_SET_DESCR 0x07
#define mUSB_GET_CONFIG 0x08
#define mUSB_SET_CONFIG 0x09
#define mUSB_GET_INTERF 0x0a
#define mUSB_SET_INTERF 0x0b
#define mUSB_SYNC_FRAME 0x0c
// CH341 manufacturer specific request type for control transmission
#define mCH341_VENDOR_READ 0xC0 // CH347 vendor-specific read operation through control transfer
#define mCH341_VENDOR_WRITE 0x40 // CH347 vendor-specific write operation through control transfer
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STREAM 0xAA // The command package of the I2C interface, starting from the secondary byte, is the I2C command stream
#define mCH341A_CMD_UIO_STREAM 0xAB // The command package of the UIO interface, starting from the secondary byte, is the command stream
#define mCH341A_CMD_PIO_STREAM 0xAE // The command package of PIO interface, starting from the secondary byte, is the data stream
// CH341A manufacturer specific request code for control transmission
#define mCH341A_BUF_CLEAR 0xB2 // Clear incomplete data
#define mCH341A_I2C_CMD_X 0x54 // Issue the command of I2C interface and execute it immediately
#define mCH341A_DELAY_MS 0x5E // Delay the specified time in microseconds
#define mCH341A_GET_VER 0x5F // Get chip version
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_STA 0x74 // Command flow of I2C interface: generate start bit
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_STO 0x75 // Command flow of I2C interface: generate stop bit
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_OUT 0x80 // Command flow of I2C interface: output data, bit 5- bit 0 is the length, subsequent bytes are data, and length 0 only sends one byte and returns an answer
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_IN 0xC0 // I2C interface command flow: input data, bit 5-bit 0 is the length, and 0 length only receives one byte and sends no response
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_MAX ( min( 0x3F, mCH341_PACKET_LENGTH ) ) // The maximum length of input and output data of a single command in the command stream of I2C interface
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_SET 0x60 // Command flow of I2C interface: set parameters, bit 2=i/o number of SPI (0= single input single output, 1= double input double output), bit 1 0=i2c speed (00= low speed, 01= standard, 10= fast, 11= high speed)
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_US 0x40 // Command flow of I2C interface: delay in microseconds, bit 3- bit 0 as delay value
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_MS 0x50 // Command flow of I2C interface: delay in microseconds, bit 3-bit 0 as delay value
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_DLY 0x0F // Maximum value of single command delay of command flow of I2C interface
#define mCH341A_CMD_I2C_STM_END 0x00 // Command flow of I2C interface: Command package ends in advance
#define mCH341A_CMD_UIO_STM_IN 0x00 // Command flow of UIO interface: input data D7-D0
#define mCH341A_CMD_UIO_STM_DIR 0x40 // Command flow of UIO interface: set i/o direction D5-D0, bit 5- bit 0 as direction data
#define mCH341A_CMD_UIO_STM_OUT 0x80 // Command flow of UIO interface: output data D5-D0, bit 5-bit 0 is data
#define mCH341A_CMD_UIO_STM_US 0xC0 // Command flow of UIO interface: delay in microseconds, bit 5- bit 0 as delay value
#define mCH341A_CMD_UIO_STM_END 0x20 // Command flow of UIO interface: Command package ends in advance
#define MAX_DEVICE_PATH_SIZE 128 // Maximum number of characters for device name
#define MAX_DEVICE_ID_SIZE 64 // Maximum number of characters for device ID
#endif _CH341_DLL_H
//Drive Interface
#define CH347_USB_VENDOR 0
#define CH347_USB_HID 2
#define CH347_USB_VCP 3
//CH347_USB_VENDOR support CH341/7
#define CHIP_TYPE_CH341 0
#define CHIP_TYPE_CH347 1
//Chip Function Interface Number
#define CH347_FUNC_UART 0
#define CH347_FUNC_SPI_IIC 1
#define CH347_FUNC_JTAG_IIC 2
#define DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT 500 // Default read timeout duration (mS)
#define DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT 500 // Default write timeout duration (mS)
#define mCH347_PACKET_LENGTH 512 // Length of packets supported by ch347
#pragma pack(1)
//SPI Controller Configuration
typedef struct _SPI_CONFIG{
UCHAR iMode; // 0-3:SPI Mode0/1/2/3
UCHAR iClock; // 0=60MHz, 1=30MHz, 2=15MHz, 3=7.5MHz, 4=3.75MHz, 5=1.875MHz, 6=937.5KHz,7=468.75KHz
UCHAR iByteOrder; // 0=LSB first(LSB), 1=MSB first(MSB)
USHORT iSpiWriteReadInterval; // The SPI interface routinely reads and writes data command, the unit is uS
UCHAR iSpiOutDefaultData; // SPI prints data by default when it reads data
ULONG iChipSelect; // Piece of selected control, if bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored, if bit 7 is 1, the parameter is valid: bit 1 bit 0 is 00/01 and CS1/CS2 pins are selected as low level active chip options respectively
UCHAR CS1Polarity; // Bit 0: CS1 polarity control: 0: effective low level; 1: effective lhigh level;
UCHAR CS2Polarity; // Bit 0: CS2 polarity control: 0: effective low level; 1: effective lhigh level;
USHORT iIsAutoDeativeCS; // Whether to undo slice selection automatically after the operation is complete
USHORT iActiveDelay; // Set the latency for read/write operations after slice selection,the unit is us
ULONG iDelayDeactive; // Delay time for read and write operations after slice selection is unselected,the unit is us
//Device Information
typedef struct _DEV_INFOR{
UCHAR iIndex; // Current open number
UCHAR DevicePath[MAX_PATH]; // Device link name, used for CreateFile
UCHAR UsbClass; // 0:CH347_USB_CH341, 2:CH347_USB_HID,3:CH347_USB_VCP
CHAR DeviceID[64]; // USB\VID_xxxx&PID_xxxx
UCHAR ChipMode; // Chip Mode, 0:Mode0(UART0/1); 1:Mode1(Uart1+SPI+IIC); 2:Mode2(HID Uart1+SPI+IIC) 3:Mode3(Uart1+Jtag+IIC)
HANDLE DevHandle; // Device handle
USHORT BulkOutEndpMaxSize; // Upload endpoint size
USHORT BulkInEndpMaxSize; // The size of the downstream endpoint
UCHAR UsbSpeedType; // USB Speed type,0:FS,1:HS,2:SS
UCHAR CH347IfNum; // USB interface number: 0:UART,1:SPI/IIC/JTAG/GPIO
UCHAR DataUpEndp; // The endpoint address
UCHAR DataDnEndp; // The endpoint address
CHAR ProductString[64]; // Product string in USB descriptor
CHAR ManufacturerString[64]; // Manufacturer string in USB descriptor
ULONG WriteTimeout; // USB write timeout
ULONG ReadTimeout; // USB read timeout
CHAR FuncDescStr[64]; // Interface functions
UCHAR FirewareVer; // Firmware version
#pragma pack()
//CH347 Mode Common Function,support open,close,USB read,USB written and HID of all modes.
//Open USB device
//Close USB device
BOOL WINAPI CH347CloseDevice(ULONG iIndex);
//Get Device Information
BOOL WINAPI CH347GetDeviceInfor(ULONG iIndex,mDeviceInforS *DevInformation);
// Obtain driver version, library version, device version and chip type(CH341(FS)/CH347HS)
BOOL WINAPI CH347GetVersion(ULONG iIndex,
PUCHAR iDriverVer,
PUCHAR ibcdDevice,
PUCHAR iChipType); //CHIP_TYPE_CH341/7
typedef VOID ( CALLBACK * mPCH347_NOTIFY_ROUTINE ) ( // Device event notification callback routine
ULONG iEventStatus ); // Device event and current status (refer to the description below): 0=Device unplug event, 3=Device insertion event
#define CH347_DEVICE_ARRIVAL 3 // Device insertion event,has been inserted
#define CH347_DEVICE_REMOVE_PEND 1 // Device wil be unplugged
#define CH347_DEVICE_REMOVE 0 // Device unplug event,has been pulled out
BOOL WINAPI CH347SetDeviceNotify( // Configure device event notifier
ULONG iIndex, // Specifies the device number,bit 0 corresponds to the first device
PCHAR iDeviceID, // Optional parameter,pointing to a string terminated by \0,specifying the ID of the monitored device
mPCH347_NOTIFY_ROUTINE iNotifyRoutine ); // Specifies the port device event callback program. If it is NULL, the event notification will be canceled. Otherwise, the program will be called when an event is detected.
// Read USB data block
BOOL WINAPI CH347ReadData( ULONG iIndex, // Specifies the device number
PVOID oBuffer, // Points to a buffer large enough to save the read data
PULONG ioLength ); // Points to the length unit, the length to be read when input is the length to be read, and the actual read length after return
// Write USB data block
BOOL WINAPI CH347WriteData(ULONG iIndex, // Specifies the device number
PVOID iBuffer, // Points to a buffer large enough to save the written data
PULONG ioLength ); // Points to the length unit,the input length is the intended length, and the return length is the actual length
// Set the timeout of USB data read and write
BOOL WINAPI CH347SetTimeout(ULONG iIndex, // Specifies the device number
ULONG iWriteTimeout, // Specifies the timeout for USB to write data blocks, in milliseconds mS,0xFFFFFFFF specifies no timeout (default)
ULONG iReadTimeout ); // Specifies the timeout for USB to read data blocks, in milliseconds mS,0xFFFFFFFF specifies no timeout (default)
// SPI Controller Initialization
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_Init(ULONG iIndex,mSpiCfgS *SpiCfg);
// Get SPI controller configuration information
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_GetCfg(ULONG iIndex,mSpiCfgS *SpiCfg);
// Before setting the chip selection status, call CH347SPI_Init to set CS
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_ChangeCS(ULONG iIndex, // Specify device number
UCHAR iStatus); // 0=Cancel the piece to choose,1=Set piece selected
// Set SPI slice selection
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_SetChipSelect(ULONG iIndex, // Specify device number
USHORT iEnableSelect, // The lower octet is CS1 and the higher octet is CS2. A byte value of 1= sets CS, 0= ignores this CS setting
USHORT iChipSelect, // The lower octet is CS1 and the higher octet is CS2. A byte value of 1= sets CS, 0= ignores this CS setting
ULONG iIsAutoDeativeCS, // The lower 16 bits are CS1 and the higher 16 bits are CS2. Whether to undo slice selection automatically after the operation is complete
ULONG iActiveDelay, // The lower 16 bits are CS1 and the higher 16 bits are CS2. Set the latency of read/write operations after chip selection, the unit is us
ULONG iDelayDeactive); // The lower 16 bits are CS1 and the higher 16 bits are CS2. Delay time for read and write operations after slice selection the unit is us
//SPI4 write data
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_Write(ULONG iIndex, // Specify device number
ULONG iChipSelect, // Slice selection control, when bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored, and when bit 7 is 1, slice selection operation is performed
ULONG iLength, // Number of bytes of data to be transferred
ULONG iWriteStep, // The length of a single block to be read
PVOID ioBuffer); // Point to a buffer to place the data to be written out from MOSI
//SPI4 read data. No need to write data first, the efficiency is higher than that of the CH347SPI_WriteRead
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_Read(ULONG iIndex, // Specify device number
ULONG iChipSelect, // Slice selection control, when bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored, and when bit 7 is 1, slice selection operation is performed
ULONG oLength, // Number of bytes to send
PULONG iLength, // Number of bytes of data to be read in
PVOID ioBuffer); // Points to a buffer that place the data to be written out from DOUT, return the data read in from DIN
// Handle SPI data stream 4-wire interface
BOOL WINAPI CH347SPI_WriteRead(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iChipSelect, // Selection control, if the film selection control bit 7 is 0, ignore the film selection control bit 7 is 1 and operate the film selection
ULONG iLength, // Number of bytes of data to be transferred
PVOID ioBuffer ); // Points to a buffer that place the data to be written out from DOUT, return the data read in from DIN
//place the data to be written from MOSI, return the data read in from MISO
BOOL WINAPI CH347StreamSPI4(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iChipSelect, // Film selection control, if bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored.If bit 7 is 1, the parameter is valid:Bit 1 bit 0 is 00/01/10. Select D0/D1/D2 pins as low level active chip options respectively
ULONG iLength, // Number of bytes of data to be transferred
PVOID ioBuffer ); // Points to a buffer, places data to be written out from DOUT, and returns data to be read in from DIN
//JTAG interface initialization, set mode and speed
UCHAR iClockRate); // Communication speed; The value ranges from 0 to 5. A larger value indicates a faster communication speed
//Gets Jtag speed configuration
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_GetCfg(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
UCHAR *ClockRate); // Communication speed; The value ranges from 0 to 5. A larger value indicates a faster communication speed
//Bit band mode JTAG IR/DR data read and write. Suitable for reading and writing small amounts of data. Such as command operation, state machine switching and other control transmission. For batch data transmission, you are advised to use CH347Jtag_WriteRead_Fast
//Command packages are read and written in batches in 4096 bytes
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-IR/DR..->Exit IR/DR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_WriteRead(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
BOOL IsDR, // =TRUE: DR data read/write, =FALSE:IR data read/write
ULONG iWriteBitLength, // Write length, the length to be written
PVOID iWriteBitBuffer, // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out
PULONG oReadBitLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length actually read
PVOID oReadBitBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//JTAG IR/DR data batch read and write The IR/DR data is used for multi-byte continuous read and write. For example, download firmware. The hardware has four buffers. If the buffer is written before the buffer is read, the length cannot exceed 4096 bytes. Buffer size can be adjusted
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-IR/DR..->Exit IR/DR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_WriteRead_Fast(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
BOOL IsDR, // =TRUE: DRdata read/write, =FALSE:IR data read/write
ULONG iWriteBitLength, // Write length. The length to be written
PVOID iWriteBitBuffer, // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out
PULONG oReadBitLength, // Point to the length unit and return the actual read length
PVOID oReadBitBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//Switch the JTAG state machine
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_SwitchTapState(UCHAR TapState);
//JTAG DR Write, in bytes, for multi-byte sequential reads and writes. For example, download firmware.
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-DR..->Exit DR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_ByteWriteDR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iWriteLength, // Write length, length of bytes to be written
PVOID iWriteBuffer); // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out
//JTAG DR Read, read multiple bytes consecutively in bytes.
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-DR..->Exit DR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_ByteReadDR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PULONG oReadLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length of the bytes actually read
PVOID oReadBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//JTAG IR write, written in bytes, multiple bytes are written consecutively.
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-IR..->Exit IR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_ByteWriteIR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the CH347 device number
ULONG iWriteLength, // Write length, the length of bytes to be written
PVOID iWriteBuffer); // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out
//JTAG IR read, readen in bytes, multiple bytes are readen consecutively.
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-IR..->Exit IR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_ByteReadIR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PULONG oReadLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length of the bytes actually read
PVOID oReadBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//Bit band mode JTAG DR data write. Suitable for reading and writing small amounts of data. Such as command operation, state machine switching and other control transmission. For batch data transmission, CH347Jtag_ByteWriteDR is recommended
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-DR..->Exit DR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_BitWriteDR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iWriteBitLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length of the bytes actually read
PVOID iWriteBitBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//Bit band mode JTAG IR data write. Suitable for reading and writing small amounts of data. Such as command operation, state machine switching and other control transmission. For batch data transmission, CH347Jtag_ByteWriteIR is recommended
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-IR..->Exit IR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_BitWriteIR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iWriteBitLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length of the bytes actually read
PVOID iWriteBitBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//Bit band mode JTAG IR data read. Suitable for reading and writing small amounts of data. Such as command operation, state machine switching, etc. For batch data transmission, CH347Jtag_ByteReadIR is recommended.
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-IR..->Exit IR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_BitReadIR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PULONG oReadBitLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length of the bytes actually read
PVOID oReadBitBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//Bit band mode JTAG DR data read. Suitable for reading and writing small amounts of data. For batch and high-speed data transmission, CH347Jtag_ByteReadDR is recommended
//The state machine: Run-Test->Shift-DR..->Exit DR -> Run-Test
BOOL WINAPI CH347Jtag_BitReadDR(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PULONG oReadBitLength, // Points to the length unit and returns the length of the bytes actually read
PVOID oReadBitBuffer ); // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
//Get the GPIO direction and pin level of CH347
UCHAR *iDir, // Pin direction: GPIo0-7 corresponding bit 0-7,0: input; 1: output
UCHAR *iData); // GPIO0 level: GPIO0-7 corresponding bit 0-7,0: low level; 1: high level
//Set the GPIO direction and pin level of CH347
UCHAR iEnable, // Data validity flag: The corresponding bits 0-7 correspond to GPIO0-7.
UCHAR iSetDirOut, // Sets the I/O direction, with pin 0 corresponding to input and pin 1 corresponding to output. Gpio0-7 corresponds to bits 0-7.
UCHAR iSetDataOut); // Outputs data. If the I/O direction is output, then a pin outputs low level at a clear 0 and high level at a position 1
//Enter the IAP firmware upgrade mode
BOOL WINAPI CH347StartIapFwUpate(ULONG iIndex,
ULONG FwSize); // The length of the firmware
/**************HID/VCP Serial Port*********************/
//Open serial port
//Close serial port
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_Close(ULONG iIndex);
//Set the device event notification program
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_SetDeviceNotify(
ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number, 0 corresponds to the first device
PCHAR iDeviceID, // Optional parameter,points to a string specifying the ID of the device to be monitored, terminated with \0
mPCH347_NOTIFY_ROUTINE iNotifyRoutine ); // Specifies the device event callback. NULL cancels event notification, otherwise it will be called when an event is detected
//Obtain UART hardware configuration
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_GetCfg(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PULONG BaudRate, // Baud rate
PUCHAR ByteSize, // Data bits (5,6,7,8,16)
PUCHAR Parity, // Parity bits(0:None; 1:Odd; 2:Even; 3:Mark; 4:Space)
PUCHAR StopBits, // Stop bits (0:1 stop bits; 1:1.5 stop bit; 2:2 stop bit);
PUCHAR ByteTimeout); // Byte timeout
//Set UART configuration
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_Init(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
DWORD BaudRate, // Baud rate
UCHAR ByteSize, // Data bits (5,6,7,8,16)
UCHAR Parity, // Check bit (0:None; 1:Odd; 2:Even; 3:Mark; 4:Space)
UCHAR StopBits, // Stop bits 0:1 Stop bit; 1:1.5 stop bit; 2:2 stop bit);
UCHAR ByteTimeout);// Byte Timeout duration, in unit of 100uS
//Set the timeout of USB data read and write
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_SetTimeout(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iWriteTimeout, // Specifies the timeout for USB to write data blocks, in milliseconds mS,0xFFFFFFFF specifies no timeout (default)
ULONG iReadTimeout ); // Specifies the timeout for USB to read data blocks, in milliseconds mS,0xFFFFFFFF specifies no timeout (default)
//Read data block
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_Read(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PVOID oBuffer, // Points to a buffer large enough to hold the read data
PULONG ioLength );// Refers to the length unit. The input is the length to be read and the return is the actual length to be read
//Write out blocks of data
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_Write(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
PVOID iBuffer, // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out
PULONG ioLength );// Point to the length unit. The input is the intended length and the return is the actual length
//Query how many bytes are unfetched in the read buffer
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_QueryBufUpload(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
LONGLONG *RemainBytes);
//Obtaining Device Information
BOOL WINAPI CH347Uart_GetDeviceInfor(ULONG iIndex,mDeviceInforS *DevInformation);
//Set the serial port flow mode
BOOL WINAPI CH347I2C_Set(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iMode ); // See downlink for the specified mode
//bit 1-bit 0: I2C interface speed /SCL frequency, 00= low speed /20KHz,01= standard /100KHz(default),10= fast /400KHz,11= high speed /750KHz
//Other reservations, must be 0
//Set the hardware asynchronous delay to a specified number of milliseconds before the next stream operation
BOOL WINAPI CH347I2C_SetDelaymS(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iDelay ) ; // Specifies the delay duration (mS)
//Process I2C data stream, 2-wire interface, clock line for SCL pin, data line for SDA pin
BOOL WINAPI CH347StreamI2C( ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
ULONG iWriteLength, // The number of bytes of data to write
PVOID iWriteBuffer, // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out, the first byte is usually the I2C device address and read/write direction bit
ULONG iReadLength, // Number of bytes of data to be read
PVOID oReadBuffer ); // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be read in
#ifndef _CH341_DLL_H
typedef enum _EEPROM_TYPE {// EEPROM type
// Reads data blocks from EEPROM at a speed of about 56 KB
BOOL WINAPI CH347ReadEEPROM(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
EEPROM_TYPE iEepromID, // Specifies the EEPROM model
ULONG iAddr, // Specifies the address of data unit
ULONG iLength, // Number of bytes of data to be read
PUCHAR oBuffer ); // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be read in
// Writes a data block to the EEPROM
BOOL WINAPI CH347WriteEEPROM(ULONG iIndex, // Specify the device number
EEPROM_TYPE iEepromID, // Specifies the EEPROM model
ULONG iAddr, // Specifies the address of data unit
ULONG iLength, // Number of bytes of data to be written out
PUCHAR iBuffer ); // Points to a buffer to place data ready to be written out
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // _CH347_DLL_H