Be.Windows.Forms.HexBox Defines a build-in ContextMenuStrip manager for HexBox control to show Copy, Cut, Paste menu in contextmenu of the control. Contains the HexBox control. Contains the ContextMenuStrip control. Contains the "Cut"-ToolStripMenuItem object. Contains the "Copy"-ToolStripMenuItem object. Contains the "Paste"-ToolStripMenuItem object. Contains the "Select All"-ToolStripMenuItem object. Initializes a new instance of BuildInContextMenu class. the HexBox control If ByteProvider the sender object the event data Assigns the ContextMenuStrip control to the HexBox control. Before opening the ContextMenuStrip, we manage the availability of the items. the sender object the event data The handler for the "Cut"-Click event the sender object the event data The handler for the "Copy"-Click event the sender object the event data The handler for the "Paste"-Click event the sender object the event data The handler for the "Select All"-Click event the sender object the event data Gets or sets the custom text of the "Copy" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the custom text of the "Cut" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the custom text of the "Paste" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the custom text of the "Select All" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets the text of the "Cut" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets the text of the "Copy" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets the text of the "Paste" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets the text of the "Select All" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the image of the "Cut" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the image of the "Copy" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the image of the "Paste" ContextMenuStrip item. Gets or sets the image of the "Select All" ContextMenuStrip item. Represents a collection of bytes. Initializes a new instance of ByteCollection class. Initializes a new instance of ByteCollection class. an array of bytes to add to collection Gets or sets the value of a byte Adds a byte into the collection. the byte to add Adds a range of bytes to the collection. the bytes to add Removes a byte from the collection. the byte to remove Removes a range of bytes from the collection. the index of the start byte the count of the bytes to remove Inserts a range of bytes to the collection. the index of start byte an array of bytes to insert Gets all bytes in the array an array of bytes. Inserts a byte to the collection. the index a byte to insert Returns the index of the given byte. Returns true, if the byte exists in the collection. Copies the content of the collection into the given array. Copies the content of the collection into an array. the array containing all bytes. Represents a position in the HexBox control Byte provider for a small amount of data. Contains information about changes. Contains a byte collection. Initializes a new instance of the DynamicByteProvider class. Initializes a new instance of the DynamicByteProvider class. Raises the Changed event. Raises the LengthChanged event. Gets the byte collection. True, when changes are done. Applies changes. Occurs, when the write buffer contains new changes. Occurs, when InsertBytes or DeleteBytes method is called. Reads a byte from the byte collection. the index of the byte to read the byte Write a byte into the byte collection. the index of the byte to write. the byte Deletes bytes from the byte collection. the start index of the bytes to delete. the length of bytes to delete. Inserts byte into the byte collection. the start index of the bytes in the byte collection the byte array to insert Gets the length of the bytes in the byte collection. Returns true Returns true Returns true Implements a fully editable byte provider for file data of any size. Only changes to the file are stored in memory with reads from the original data occurring as required. Constructs a new instance. The name of the file from which bytes should be provided. Constructs a new instance. The name of the file from which bytes should be provided. True, opens the file in read-only mode. Constructs a new instance. the stream containing the data. The stream must supported seek operations. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. Save current memory stream to a file. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. See for more information. Gets a value, if the file is opened in read-only mode. Byte provider for (big) files. Represents the write buffer class Gets or sets a byte in the collection Adds a byte into the collection the index of the byte the value of the byte Determines if a byte with the given index exists. the index of the byte true, if the is in the collection Occurs, when the write buffer contains new changes. Contains all changes Contains the file name. Contains the file stream. Read-only access. Initializes a new instance of the FileByteProvider class. Terminates the instance of the FileByteProvider class. Raises the Changed event. Never used. Gets the name of the file the byte provider is using. Returns a value if there are some changes. true, if there are some changes Updates the file with all changes the write buffer contains. Clears the write buffer and reject all changes made. Never used. Reads a byte from the file. the index of the byte to read the byte Gets the length of the file. Writes a byte into write buffer Not supported Not supported Returns true Returns false Returns false Releases the file handle used by the FileByteProvider. Defines the type of the Find operation. Used for Text Find operations Used for Hex Find operations Defines all state information nee Gets or sets whether the Find options are valid Gets the Find buffer used for case insensitive Find operations. This is the binary representation of Text. Gets the Find buffer used for case sensitive Find operations. This is the binary representation of Text in lower case format. Gets the Find buffer used for case sensitive Find operations. This is the binary representation of Text in upper case format. Contains the MatchCase value Gets or sets the value, whether the Find operation is case sensitive or not. Contains the text that should be found. Gets or sets the text that should be found. Only used, when Type is FindType.Hex. Gets or sets the hex buffer that should be found. Only used, when Type is FindType.Hex. Gets or sets the type what should be searched. Updates the find buffer. Represents a hex box control. Defines a user input handler such as for mouse and keyboard input Activates mouse events Deactivate mouse events Preprocesses WM_KEYUP window message. the Message object to process. True, if the message was processed. Preprocesses WM_CHAR window message. the Message object to process. True, if the message was processed. Preprocesses WM_KEYDOWN window message. the Message object to process. True, if the message was processed. Gives some information about where to place the caret. the index of the byte the position where the caret is to place. Represents an empty input handler without any functionality. If is set ByteProvider to null, then this interpreter is used. Handles user input such as mouse and keyboard input during hex view edit Delegate for key-down processing. the message object contains key data information True, if the message was processed Contains the parent HexBox control Contains True, if shift key is down Contains True, if mouse is down Contains the selection start position info Contains the current mouse selection position info Contains all message handlers of key interpreter key down message Handles user input such as mouse and keyboard input during string view edit Contains the hole content bounds of all text Contains the line info bounds Contains the column info header rectangle bounds Contains the hex data bounds Contains the string view bounds Contains string format information for text drawing Contains the maximum of visible horizontal bytes Contains the maximum of visible vertical bytes Contains the maximum of visible bytes. Contains the scroll bars minimum value Contains the scroll bars maximum value Contains the scroll bars current position Contains a vertical scroll Contains a timer for thumbtrack scrolling Contains the thumbtrack scrolling position Contains the thumptrack delay for scrolling in milliseconds. Contains the Enviroment.TickCount of the last refresh Contains the border�s left shift Contains the border�s right shift Contains the border�s top shift Contains the border bottom shift Contains the index of the first visible byte Contains the index of the last visible byte Contains the current byte position Contains the current char position in one byte "1A" "1" = char position of 0 "A" = char position of 1 Contains string format information for hex values Contains the current key interpreter Contains an empty key interpreter without functionality Contains the default key interpreter Contains the string key interpreter Contains True if caret is visible Contains true, if the find (Find method) should be aborted. Contains a value of the current finding position. Contains a state value about Insert or Write mode. When this value is true and the ByteProvider SupportsInsert is true bytes are inserted instead of overridden. Occurs, when the value of InsertActive property has changed. Occurs, when the value of ReadOnly property has changed. Occurs, when the value of ByteProvider property has changed. Occurs, when the value of SelectionStart property has changed. Occurs, when the value of SelectionLength property has changed. Occurs, when the value of LineInfoVisible property has changed. Occurs, when the value of ColumnInfoVisibleChanged property has changed. Occurs, when the value of GroupSeparatorVisibleChanged property has changed. Occurs, when the value of StringViewVisible property has changed. Occurs, when the value of BorderStyle property has changed. Occurs, when the value of ColumnWidth property has changed. Occurs, when the value of BytesPerLine property has changed. Occurs, when the value of UseFixedBytesPerLine property has changed. Occurs, when the value of VScrollBarVisible property has changed. Occurs, when the value of HexCasing property has changed. Occurs, when the value of HorizontalByteCount property has changed. Occurs, when the value of VerticalByteCount property has changed. Occurs, when the value of CurrentLine property has changed. Occurs, when the value of CurrentPositionInLine property has changed. Occurs, when Copy method was invoked and ClipBoardData changed. Occurs, when CopyHex method was invoked and ClipBoardData changed. Occurs, when the CharSize property has changed Occurs, when the RequiredWidth property changes Initializes a new instance of a HexBox class. Performs the thumbtrack scrolling after an delay. Scrolls the selection start byte into view Scrolls the specific byte into view the index of the byte Returns true if Select method could be invoked. Selects all bytes. Selects the hex box. the start index of the selection the length of the selection Preprocesses windows messages. the message to process. true, if the message was processed Searches the current ByteProvider contains all find options the SelectionStart property value if find was successfull or -1 if there is no match -2 if Find was aborted. Aborts a working Find method. Gets a value that indicates the current position during Find method execution. Copies the current selection in the hex box to the Clipboard. Return true if Copy method could be invoked. Moves the current selection in the hex box to the Clipboard. Return true if Cut method could be invoked. Replaces the current selection in the hex box with the contents of the Clipboard. Return true if Paste method could be invoked. Return true if PasteHex method could be invoked. Replaces the current selection in the hex box with the hex string data of the Clipboard. Copies the current selection in the hex box to the Clipboard in hex format. Paints the background. A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Paints the hex box. A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data. Gets or sets the background color for the control. The font used to display text in the hexbox. Not used. Not used. Gets or sets the background color for the disabled control. Gets or sets if the count of bytes in one line is fix. When set to True, BytesPerLine property determine the maximum count of bytes in one line. Gets or sets the maximum count of bytes in one line. UseFixedBytesPerLine property no longer has to be set to true for this to work Gets or sets the number of bytes in a group. Used to show the group separator line (if GroupSeparatorVisible is true) GroupSeparatorVisible property must set to true Gets or sets if the count of bytes in one line is fix. When set to True, BytesPerLine property determine the maximum count of bytes in one line. Gets or sets the visibility of a vertical scroll bar. Gets or sets the ByteProvider. Gets or sets the visibility of the group separator. Gets or sets the visibility of the column info Gets or sets the visibility of a line info. Gets or sets the offset of a line info. Gets or sets the hex box�s border style. Gets or sets the visibility of the string view. Gets or sets whether the HexBox control displays the hex characters in upper or lower case. Gets and sets the starting point of the bytes selected in the hex box. Gets and sets the number of bytes selected in the hex box. Gets or sets the info color used for column info and line info. When this property is null, then ForeColor property is used. Gets or sets the background color for the selected bytes. Gets or sets the foreground color for the selected bytes. Gets or sets the visibility of a shadow selection. Gets or sets the color of the shadow selection. A alpha component must be given! Default alpha = 100 Contains the size of a single character in pixel Gets the width required for the content Gets the number bytes drawn horizontally. Gets the number bytes drawn vertically. Gets the current line Gets the current position in the current line Gets the a value if insertion mode is active or not. Gets or sets the built-in context menu. Gets or sets the converter that will translate between byte and character values. Converts a byte array to a hex string. For example: {10,11} = "0A 0B" the byte array the hex string Converts the byte to a hex string. For example: "10" = "0A"; the byte to format the hex string Converts the hex string to an byte array. The hex string must be separated by a space char ' '. If there is any invalid hex information in the string the result will be null. the hex string separated by ' '. For example: "0A 0B 0C" the byte array. null if hex is invalid or empty Raises the InsertActiveChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the ReadOnlyChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the ByteProviderChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the SelectionStartChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the SelectionLengthChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the LineInfoVisibleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the OnColumnInfoVisibleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the ColumnSeparatorVisibleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the StringViewVisibleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the BorderStyleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the UseFixedBytesPerLineChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the GroupSizeChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the BytesPerLineChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the VScrollBarVisibleChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the HexCasingChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the HorizontalByteCountChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the VerticalByteCountChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the CurrentLineChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the CurrentPositionInLineChanged event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the Copied event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the CopiedHex event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the MouseDown event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the MouseWhell event An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the Resize event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the GotFocus event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. Raises the LostFocus event. An EventArgs that contains the event data. For high resolution screen support the factor bounds Specifies the case of hex characters in the HexBox control Converts all characters to uppercase. Converts all characters to lowercase. The interface for objects that can translate between characters and bytes. Returns the character to display for the byte passed across. Returns the byte to use when the character passed across is entered during editing. The default implementation. Returns the character to display for the byte passed across. Returns the byte to use for the character passed across. Returns a description of the byte char provider. A byte char provider that can translate bytes encoded in codepage 500 EBCDIC The IBM EBCDIC code page 500 encoding. Note that this is not always supported by .NET, the underlying platform has to provide support for it. Returns the EBCDIC character corresponding to the byte passed across. Returns the byte corresponding to the EBCDIC character passed across. Returns a description of the byte char provider. Defines a byte provider for HexBox control Reads a byte from the provider the index of the byte to read the byte to read Writes a byte into the provider the index of the byte to write the byte to write Inserts bytes into the provider This method must raise the LengthChanged event. Deletes bytes from the provider the start index of the bytes to delete the length of the bytes to delete This method must raise the LengthChanged event. Returns the total length of bytes the byte provider is providing. Occurs, when the Length property changed. True, when changes are done. Applies changes. Occurs, when bytes are changed. Returns a value if the WriteByte methods is supported by the provider. True, when it�s supported. Returns a value if the InsertBytes methods is supported by the provider. True, when it�s supported. Returns a value if the DeleteBytes methods is supported by the provider. True, when it�s supported. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Contains true, if we are in design mode of Visual Studio Initializes an instance of Util class Gets true, if we are in design mode of Visual Studio In Visual Studio 2008 SP1 the designer is crashing sometimes on windows forms. The DesignMode property of Control class is buggy and cannot be used, so use our own implementation instead.